Welcome to Pedagogy 3.0

Pedagogy 3.0:

Planning Enriching Digital Experiences

Neil Ingram, University of Bristol


This mini-course is designed for teachers who are interested in finding innovative, engaging ways to integrate technology into their classrooms. We will be exploring how to plan enriching lessons with digital technology, by thinking about how teachers successfully give some power to their students to control their own learning.  

Neil Ingram, Senior Lecturer Science Education in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Bristol, is your facilitator for this course.

What is this mini-course about?

The course is built around four activities that will help you to think in new ways about how to plan to use computers and other digital technologies in your lessons. (We will use the acronym ICT to refer to all computers, tablets and digital devices that can communicate using computers.) We want you to report on these activities on the Pedagogy 3.0 Facebook page. You can, of course, read and comment on other member's posts. By sharing together, we can build a collective experience exploring new ways of teaching. You can continue to be a member of the Pedagogy 3.0 Facebook group after you have finished the course. This means that you can continue to share and reflect on your experiences as you continue to work with your classes. I hope you will want to do this: others in the group will benefit from your experiences. 

The four activities that you will carry out are to: 

 Real world activities

Plan an open-ended 'real‐world’ problem-solving activity for a specific group of learners. 

Think about the language requirements and technological skills that your students need before they can do the task. If you need to, develop short pre-tasks to help the students develop or practise acquire the necessary competences in advance of the lesson. This helps to ‘scaffold' the students' learning.

Write about your experiences on the group Facebook page. 

What works for you?


Survey, review and collect together some of the positive learning experiences using ICT across the school, using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy as a basis for the audit.  Do different subjects use ICT in similar ways or are there distinctive differences?

Write about your experiences on the group Facebook page. 


The joys of collaboration

Plan and teach an activity where students are working collaboratively with lesson materials that are provided through ICT. Facilitate the work of the class and reflect upon the ideas that are presented in the background information to the section.

 Think about to what extent do you feel that these ideas empower you to hold learning conversations with your students? What difficulties and obstacles did you face? How might you overcome these problems next time?

Write about your reflections on the group Facebook page. 

Using the cloud

 Choose one cloud-based application and use it in a collaborative activity for your students outside of the classroom. Collect information about how effective the task was at promoting learning. (Google forms or survey monkey are great ways of collecting this kind of evidence.) Review the effectiveness of the activity. Write about your reflections on the group Facebook page. 

Before You Begin

This course is part of the NMC Academy. By registering through the Academy, you can track your progress and earn a badge for completing. If you haven't already done so, please visit the NMC Academy website to create an account and enrol in the mini-course.

We recommend that you find a colleague in your school to partner you so that you can work on the course together. You will find it so much more enjoyable to be able to talk together about the questions. We think the course should take about twelve hours to complete, although you may want to take longer. You can revisit this website as often as you want. 

Participants will be introduced to a pedagogical framework for the creative use of ICT in STEMx activities. It will move from theory to practice and provide a platform for reflection and evaluation.

Get Connected

Information, resources and activities will be shared through this website. In order to participate in discussions and complete the activities, you will need to join the Facebook group for the course. We will conduct all discussions about questions and ideas on the course using the Facebook group. There is also a Pedagogy3.0 YouTube channel. If you would like to post videos of class activities, then please let us know via the Facebook page. You can post on the channel on the understanding that you are responsible for obtaining the appropriate copyright and privacy permissions for your students. We can advise on the best way to make these films. 

Get Started

Use the links in the left-hand navigation bar to move through each activity. After each activity, you'll return to the NMC Academy to complete a survey and track your progress.

© All text on the web pages are copyright 2013 by Neil Ingram, the author of this website. These pages begin with the number prefix 0. The moral right of the author has been asserted. Comments on the Pedagogy 3.0 Facebook group are the responsibility of the respective authors and are not necessarily the views of Neil Ingram or the Hewlett Packard Catalyst Initiative.

The website and course are dedicated to all of the fine student teachers on the Post Graduate Certificate of Education courses in the University of Bristol, England, who have shown me what Pedagogy 3.0 looks like. Without their imagination, creativity and hard work, this course would not exist. Thank you, NI.