Free will; I don't know you. I only know of you. If I ever knew myself at all? Say what you mean and mean what you say is not mean when it's meant from the heart. Sometimes we need to be cruel to be kind but don't forget The Golden Rule.

Wisdom is the ability to have a constructive conversation with the village idiot and accepting that tomorrow it's our own turn to be the village idiot. Explaining complexities in the simplest manner is just like nuts and bolts. The hardest part is knowing how to put it all back together. I love myself, I think I'm grand, when I'm all alone I hold my hand. I think one day I'll marry me and try and raise a family.

Faith is going into a dark room looking for a black cat, knowing that it is there because of its meow. Religion without science is blind; Science without religion is inhumane. Looking at life from all angles, something’s lost, but something’s gained in living every day.

It's just fundamental principles that create the missing link and it's JUST fundamental principles that are the missing link

A.I.D to be humane and S.H.E has all the answers.


A.I.D Allusion-Illusion-Delusion. S.H.E Sympathy-Humility-Empathy.

Knowledge is awareness of facts & understanding particular subject that is called information but Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge & capability of determining what is wise vs, what is unwise. Wisdom and knowledge are linked. Wisdom is enhanced by knowledge and the ability to acquire knowledge effectively.

If something come from nothing isn't anything possible. In the beginning there was only darkness until the light shone from behind our own eclipsed minds and showed us the way home.The purpose of life is to discover your gift and the meaning of life is to learn how to give your gift away.

The tongue is as a double-edged sword it cuts both ways and has a point. Practicing; Sympathy, Humility, Empathy throughout life, creates a broader comprehensive view point of past, present and future tense, so we can talk to each other and learn how to speak with each other, not at each other.

Research has suggested that the areas of the brain involved in emotion processing, empathizing and decision making – for example amygdala, insula and ventromedial prefrontal cortex – show reduced activity in people with psychopathic characteristics.  The actual size of glands throughout our body and mind determine the amount of dopamine, serotonin, cortisol and adrenaline produced to be released this alone has the largest influence upon us as individuals. The normal size of these glands as just for the sake of reference is the about the size of a pea. But the size of a psychopaths is the half the size of a pea and an individual upon the autistic spectrum is one and a half the size of a pea. 

Religion and beliefs have had its place in time to be the leading rule for the people by the people and just isn't the structures created for worship that it was and should be. Religion and beliefs over time corrupt their own fundamental principles, when trying to become a governing force.

So how is it that the leaders of the towers of Babel (established religions and beliefs of today) have so much wealth and treasures while people have less then the basic necessities of life?  While so many wealthy individuals upon the tree of monkeys (today's worldwide economics') have trillions of the false idol, money? Is it more than greed of power?

Atheists also create division and mixed messages within and between western cultures and eastern cultures "excuse me for not a better word then cultures" here in the west where we supposedly have freedom of speech rofl, while atheists continue within a scientific tunnel vision of an academic box head perspective and repeatedly tossing the baby out with the bath water. While extremists intentionally pick up that big stick to defend any integrity that is left of any book/text about any sort of existence creator. The complete truth of any war; "it's not about who was right. It's about who is left"  While philosophy and psychology continue to sift through the bias recordings of history left by the victors.

So is it any wonder that the break down in communication has escalated to where we all stand within the united nations today throughout the world it's all so over governed with all sorts of taxes, fees, rates and insurances with foreign deficits still looming over our children's future putting our air and water quality at risk because of our blatant disregarded upon nature which affects the essentials of life that are becoming more so prevalent with obvious climate change.

Psychopaths breed more psychopaths while sociopaths create more narcissists.

Approximately 70,000,000 psychopaths and approximately 280,000,000 sociopaths 1% and 4% of the worlds population both have destructive habitual behavioral issues, they both have no or very little moral compass about empathetic or sympathetic traits that loving caring people and parents teach their children.

High functioning sociopaths and psychopaths play vicious games exploiting any that threaten their statues quo of all I.Q levels. A trained mind can spot both traits. A true psychopath have an actual physical brain disorder and sociopaths has a psychological brain dysfunction.

One in five CEO's exploit humanities humane it's about the same as prisoners in prison.

Unjust missing links play a vicious game within consumer affairs of domination within their (it's not ours) economic policies created in an unethical playing field that instigates disastrous corporatism upon us all adding another link into the chain of humanities evolutionary flawed progression upon the tree of monkeys and the tower of Babel where any honest Joe that tries to play catch up, or just to keep the wolves from the door work themselves into an early grave. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great women and men are almost always bad people, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.

There isn't much difference between the scientist's tree of monkeys and religions tower of Babel, apart from there isn't much love at the top of the tree of monkeys.

The link above is copy and pasted below. I have edited much what I wrote within this thread. Not as to deceive but as to make it more so comprehensible as this has been and will continue being a working project.  

How can we keep the wolves from the door and not become victimized? We can't. But we can do this for our children's future and it's as simple as an appreciation for human rights, being a mandatory subject in all of the worlds schools as part of the curriculum as early as preschool.

In 1911 the United Kingdom introduced the National Insurance Act 1911. Humanity is humane after all. Why didn't the rest of the world leaders follow suit?

Cause and effect has been out of the majorities grasp ever since WW2 and the end of the civil wars in Europe. Since then we exist within a Skinner box materialist throw-away society.

Eugenics that many nations adopted back in the early 1900.     

Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt In 1879 was the first person ever to call himself a psychologist. He is widely regarded as the "father of experimental psychology" 

In the 1900's Sigmund Freud continued to sell out humanities humane to the 1% and 4% the concept of how to exploit humanities humane into modern day slavery.

The Rise of Monarchies, France, England and Spain.

Countries that have declared Independence from England

Where did the modern human race begin from?

New discoveries are lead to consider.

Evolution's latest find.

Ignorance feeds arrogance and arrogance feeds ignorance. While an eye for an eye leaves us all blind.

We are individually 3 people: Me, You are who you think you are. Myself, You are who everyone else thinks you are and I, you are who you really are becoming.

An infinite progression of barriers within the act of communication. The first sign of intelligence is the ability to adapt.

Repetitious cognitive behavior is past tense, that over time becomes habitual which is present tense. Free will is future tense. The more you comprehend the more you progress throughout the barriers of communication within your own mind and with everyone else, also the more free will you will have to adapt within your own mindset.

A gift is a gift that should be justly passed onward as a gift.

The word “unconditional” means that there are no expectations or limitations set. To love unconditionally is a difficult thing, and most humans aren't good at that. But true love really does love without trying to change the other person.

When it all comes down to it everything we have is only lent to us for a very short time anyway. So don't live to work, work to live.


The benevolent analyst

To see fault in people when you're four years old and to have idealistic role models that have past away before your own time. This was my childhood. I am now in my 50's. In my youth, I was homeless by choosing to roam without bias from town to town to structures created for worship, temples, churches, synagogues and mosques with no more than the clothes on my back and a love that was so strong that in my later years, I had to let it go for my own well being. But what I did find in all of the structures created for worship was the golden rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Not in the same words but the same sound advice.

You see I like many have a story to share and it all began at 4.

I picked up a large stick at 4 years old that I have learned to let go of. My heart broke and hardened when my father walked out on us and watched from afar 4 boys a single mother stand alone back in the 70's in this lucky country Australia. I remember that day as clear as yesterday it was my first memory. I was the 2nd child my older brother took it the hardest. He didn't have the ability to judge to be judged until later when he did and committed suicide in his mid 20's. He was a paranoid schizophrenic. He was also my friend.

I feel for those that have never met their Mother or Father because of many unfortunate events throughout the world. But rejection is the hardest truth for any child and it all seems to revolve around pride in one way or another. Pride before the fall is a part of growing up and that alone will force you to carry a large stick or to just put it back down, but many that feel rejected go to extremes and become sociopaths.

Where does a child reflect when their mother or father isn't there. Humanity can't be humane with a weapon.

Mark Twain Quotes;

"MT" The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.

 "MT" There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.

The ability to laugh at one's self and to come to terms with that famous saying "everybody is someone else's idiot" is mandatory. Most that take offense to that famous quote are either know all know nothings or naive children that feel the importance of having something to prove. No matter how much we think we know. An idiot proves it by doing or saying the same thing over and over expecting different results. I can't remember much of what I learnt at school but I can remember how little.

Not many feel unconditional love. If you carry a large stick you will never have the chance. Because if love is not unconditional then the ability to hate is. All religions and beliefs are corrupted by people that carry a large stick and the truth of it all is. To become humane is to be aware of the strengths and weakness within ourselves that reflect the past, present and future of the good and bad within us all because empathy is knowing what it's like in someone else's shoes by personal experience and sympathy is not really knowing but caring anyway.

Peace be with you and praise be to whatever reason we exist, to begin with. 

The wisdom of philosophy

2far4u2 on 11/18/2017 11:39:10 AM

I suppose it is obvious that I have problems with grammar and not letting my dyslexic, manic depressive mind that I continue to have some kind of hold of trying not to send mixed messages. So I edited the wisdom of philosophy's message as best I could and be sure of it as it most likely, need to be done again. 2far4u2 the benevolent analyst.

All religions corrupt it's own beliefs when becoming a governing force. People break away and create there own ruling force. The modern worlds hierarchy continue to abuse humanities humane within a reward based religion or a belief. Going to heaven if you're good or to hell if you're bad or your next life to come back as something really good or as a most vulnerable creature or as anything or nothing or how about a rock and this reasoning somehow justifies everything the wealthy/poor, beautiful/ugly, gay/straight, healthy/sick, smart/dumb, dogs/cats, flees/mosquitoes, snakes/hummingbirds, women/men and this list is endless.

While we try to live up to everybody else's expectations when we should have some realistic expectations of our own to live up to. Because living up to your own exceptions is hard enough, trying to live up to everybody else's is impossible and it's all supposedly for a rite of passage to have an afterlife. Allah has shone upon you or it's into the seven levels of hell or Buddha's and Hinduism's karma, yin and yang and the balancing act of improbability of the flea and the elephant or Gods heaven of internal bliss or Satan's hell of internal damnation and the Scientists quarks or nothing at all that somehow becomes something. There's a whole universe out there to inhabit a place for all. Why do people force a big stick into an existence creators hand or not to have a creator at all? Well I say that everyone needs group cognitive behavior therapy to break down the barriers within the act of communication within an UNBIASED SANDBOX TO COME TO TERMS WITH OUR OWN BIASED MINDSETS.

 Put down your stick or your double-edged tongue for your own sake as I continue to consider, considering how this cuts both ways. While I at least try to explain wisdom's philosophy.

We are now in an age of consequences. Are the 5 permanent members of the united nations ready to consider change upon their governing rule by accepting all nations to become permanent members of the United Nations? Could this be even possible or is it the money and the power that keeps them there, to begin with, while they continue pointing nuclear bombs at each other in some game of insanity?

The 5 permanent members of the united nations are at the very top of the scientist's tree of monkeys. The top and upper branches has the Psychopaths/ Sociopaths with money and power designing principles upon shifting sands that create unethical corporatism within capitalism, along with the scientists creating something new that we all must have and pay a fee to use, as to get the next grant for funding their laboratory's with blood money made from unethical corporatism within capitalism. The middle branches are B.F. Skinner's rat race propping each other up finding some security in their so called "successes" surrounding themselves with creature comforts all so to have their names up in lights as to move up the tree. Upon the lower branches are humanities humane and the educated undecided atheist scientists working together as slaves, yes slaves having no more then the basic necessities of life and then there are the people on the ground that shift through the shit as it trickles effectively all the way from the very top and the only thing that varies is the depth.

The only love I see on this tree is humanities humane and the educated undecided atheist scientists all as slaves working together on the lowest branches as not to drown in the rising shit. Saving who they can from being swept away within the septicemic tidal surges that effectively poisoning the roots of the tree that creates an existence of random chance within a Skinner box materialist throw-away society.

Adams religions created the Tower of Babel, from what the stories say in all of the books of religion and on the all sites that portray it to be a God that destroyed the tower of Babel in disgust.

The Tower of Babel was an attempt to reach our existence creator who was believed to be in the heavens and to have a position upon this tower you had to be the leader of your religions belief within its own hierarchy and all that mattered was who could be trusted with the tree/ book of knowledge. All on-board become en-captured with a love that was so pure no one could measure. It was so overwhelming that all that tried to make their way up the tower were ridiculed and ostracized by one another upon the stoop above and all about them. Slandering each others name and reputation so as to drive them back down making those about them look undeserving or feeling unworthy. The most desperately sort stoops where they're at as high as the tower could be built so as not to lose their position. The higher the tower got and the more that the leaders defended their position upon their stoop then the higher the tower become towards the heavens. Until it all fell down and they all together blamed our own existence creator.

Saying things like if our own existence creator has all the answers and knows all, why wasn't something or anything done about it before this happened and it still goes on today in all religions and beliefs and within the Atheists tree of monkeys while the majority of people, still force a big stick into our existence creators hand or not to have a creator at all.

Unconditional love is as infinite as our own existence creator. This is the why and how we became humane.

Moses, Akhenaten Egyptian Pharaoh and Abraham were the first messengers of our own existence creators nature. 

So here we stand upon this great precipice, with no one to pull us back for the last 2000 years plus. With heart-wrenching inhumane acts upon one another. That religions and belief's rules and regulations its own creation "us" has developed within the tree of monkeys or within the Tower of Babel. With an unconditional loving creator that is still being blackmailed by its own creation "us" that continue to force the big stick mentality upon one and all or not have an existence creator at all.

Does an existence creator show us unconditional love within an eclipse between life and death because of our own free will as not to crucify its own free will or is it vice versa?

 Nature the infinite unilateral tree that continues to grow throughout an expanding universe uninhibited by what has been created within a beautiful structure of vibrant flowers and fruits not knowing if the flowers or fruits are poisonous or not. Stretching outwards as having created structured stable roots of principles upon the shifting sands of time for this is the ululation of creation and the peace that many offer to all for the praise that the roots of fundamental principals thrive upon to create structure.

When all he asked of us was to love each other and we will learn how to love our self and don't do to another what you wouldn't do to yourself. 

The tongue is as a double-edged sword it cuts both ways. Practice; Empathy, Humility, Sympathy and Cooperation throughout our lives, creates an understanding of the surroundings that we are subjected to, doing this teaches us how to talk to each other, so we can speak with each other and not at each other.

These are the structured principles of the shifting sands of time that one man told us all over 2000 years ago and what have we learned from history, that we learn very little from it at all.

Because action speaks louder than words and what have we all done apart from creating a tree of monkeys. We have let the shifting sands of time corrupt our own religions and beliefs within a BIASED SANDBOX recording of the teachings of Jesus Christ, from when he came out from behind our own eclipsed minds and showed us the way home.

Peace be with you. All praise and glory belongs to our existence creators nature.

                The Lords Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,

For ever and ever.


                    Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;

Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


                Sermon on the Mount:

Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,

for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful,

for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart,

for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Upon this road of lest forget, we meet someone with no regret to ask the how's and why's of constant sorrow and stumble across a justly act that leads us towards the humble fact which lays within mercy's loving grace as faith.

Peace be with you. All praise and glory belongs to our existence creators nature and a big thank you to Mother Mary and Jesus Christ for being such good friend's for us all. Amen.

Be free and sing as like a child.


High functioning is above average IQ level and wisdom. Sometimes even genius.

The first step of the human race to become humane was co-operation. If I try to kill you, as you just might kill me, so if I don' try to kill you, you won't try to kill me. RIGHT. Just like weapons of mass destruction. I won't fire mine if you don't fire yours.

This understanding developed within the frontal lobe of the brain 100's of thousands of years ago and has contributed to our constructive evolutionary development of empathy, sympathy and humility with these skills we became humane with more ability to co-operate. Without these skills, we are psychopaths or robots with a big red button that looks more like it's green instead.

Psychopaths are born and go throughout their life without any of these natural humane characteristics, such as empathy, sympathy and humility. Yes, all of their lives. They can learn by example how to be humane and live within the boundaries within our laws and the earlier in their lives the better for themselves and everyone else. As nobody deals with rejection and loss very well at all.

Sociopaths know all they need to know about empathy, sympathy and humility by continuing to not let any distinguishing noble traits mature by not practicing this physiologically development. Because sociopaths and psychopaths see them as a weakness that is and can be used by another to manipulate and deceive yourself and others. So instead use them as leverage tools against any that threaten their status quo. The sociopath is the leaders in this fiasco, not psychopaths. Sociopaths can switch being humane on and dull it down real fast.

But psychopaths cannot they have to fake it. That is where you can see the real differences of how easy is it to see when someone is faking their emotions with time and observation can be recognized. Or just wire up and see actual scientific proof of the known mapped regions of the mind that should or shouldn't trigger electronic sensors when compared to the humane cognitive mindset. 

This is how easy it is;  It's fake news Lets make Australia great again. Let's take all of the psychopaths and sociopaths out of positions of authority and make it mandatory to engage in cognitive behavioral group therapy for as long as it takes to help them learn human rights and be taught by example how to be humane.

Human rights should be a mandatory subject in all schools even as early as preschool for all students. Having this in place is what would truly save them from themselves and us from them and even them from us. The boundaries of the law, parents, the educational system, religions and beliefs are supposedly to influence and guide us all to become well-balanced individuals.

Robots the ultimate psychopaths. Any benefits that being a psychopath have, as there are many. Psychopaths don't flinch under pressure, where and when the majority of the human race do, even sociopaths can't match up to them in that area. So as we move forward in time with technology all that is of any benefit of either the sociopath or the psychopath will be obsolete as computers and robots developers create task-based programs for all sorts of applications.

So what do high functioning sociopaths do so well that we should be concerned about? How about vicious games within consumer affairs of domination within their (it's not ours) economic policies that are created in an unethical playing field that instigates disastrous corporatism upon us all adding another link into the chain of humanities evolutionary flawed progression.

So are we on the road to saving these sorts of individuals from themselves? Let us hope so. Because not many even consider it to be a problem, especially those that can't even recognize that the problem lies within us all.

Becoming humane is a harder task for the psychopath then the rest of us. "Circumstances considered" as to become humane is to be aware of the strengths and weakness within ourselves that reflect the past, present and future of the good and bad within us all because empathy is knowing what it's like in someone else's shoes by personal experience and sympathy is not really knowing but caring anyway as a man will never know the pain of childbirth for example.

Being genuinely able to emphasize within articulation is the best indicator that you are conversing with a genuinely wise intelligent well-balanced individual. 

Just listen for the lack of or the strength of ability to emphasize within expression throughout speech patterns. When people lack the ability to emphasize within articulation expression within the act of communication there own brain gets in there own way it's called monotone abuse it's like a note within there ability to sing it's just not there. Like so much honey in my tummy makes me feel funny. (It's sickening)

Perception of the conditions that we are subjected to involuntary or not is what motivates the cognitive drive. How about an educated or an uneducated guess is all we have. So I ask this to all that could have been bothered to read this, as not to put it out as a loaded question;

" What is your overall personal perception of your own existence?"

The majority of the world's population will stay with some kind of afterlife allusion and the rest are undecided until a later date as very few will within all honesty give up all hope of an afterlife.

Allusion an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.