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29 - LIFE +


Real big stuff

Human Mass Migration uncontrollable ???

Land decay = Mass migrations = WW3 ???

Water crisis Food crisis Overpopulation

Epidemics Pandemies > Socio-Eco effects ...

WAR ... inter-connected with :

Climate change Global warming

+ 3 to 12 degrees Celsius more on Earth *

in average, in the next 150 years ??? ( 2014 )

Poles, ice, glaciers, melting much faster

Real big big Floods Hurricanes Ocean rise

Big earthquake tsunami 30 m rogue wave

Wildfires-Criminal fires burning everything,

nature, fauna, towns, cities, 2020-2100 ???

Fauna disappearance Fracking as bad as oil

Permafrost melting, biggest worry ever ???

Gulf Sream stopping / reversing ???

Civization Collapse 2040-2050 ???

Effondrement ( en français ) ???

Collapsology ( 2020 )

Collapsologie ( Français )

Théorie de l'effondrement ( français )

Kollapsologie ( Deutsch )

Prepping ( Google - English - Svenska )

Criseq ( Swedish - Commercial shop )

Big Bang Theory Atmospheric Sciences

Amazon All Rainforests Deserts Arctic Himalaya

Amazon Red Dolphins

Land decay = Mass migrations = WW3 ???



on green background color. Videos

Poles melting - videos 2017 Future Life Earth

Soon ??? Red flag ??? Geo Engineering

A great danger now, Apocalypse videos ???

or within the 1000s of years to come ???

More : Here, 32Big, here, USGS, IUGS ...


Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The mysteries of Life

Here below are examples of many possible

categorizations of Biological, Genetic, Medical,

Drugs, Social, Life ... topics & issues, and about

their "political", "business", or future implications :


Body, Physiology, Mind, Soul, Spirit ...

Physiology Biophysiology

Genetics Heredity


Health - Fitness

Medicine - Medical Practice - Health Care

Medicines - Medication, licensed pharmaceutical drugs

(see pharmacology) or herbal medicines

Sickness Pathology

Working life expectancy

SEXUALITY by Dr Pierre E. Thibault

Sexuality + Genetics

Med Spec Dermato

How do you "feel" ?


Mental Pathology


Some key issues linked to Space Exploration & Travel :


Life expectency - Lebensdauer ...

Prolonging Life - Lifespan

Multiple Lives

Man-made successive, multiple, & parallel lives

soon possible already on this Earth ???

Changing your Life ...

Body, Health, Medical, Dental, Pharma, Vet ... knowledge,

Prolonging Life, already today ...

Beating Death (as it is today in 2015), already tomorrow ... ???

Consciousness, Sleep, Coma, Unconsciousness, & beyond ...

Immortality, Eternal Peace, or Piece of cake ???

Différence entre Âme et Esprit (in French)

Discuss these topics


Starting with interesting medical stuff, at random, thru :

Bioinformatic Harvester: From the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Bioinformatic Harvester crawls and crosslinks dozens of bioinformatic sites and serves 10's of thousands of pages daily.

Entrez (Pubmed): The life sciences search engine.

EB-Eye - EMBL-EBI's (European Bioinformatics Institute): Open-source, high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. Very fast access to the EBI's data resources.

Genie Knows: A division of IT Interactive Services Inc., a Canadian vertical search engine company concentrating on niche markets: health search, video games search, and local business directory search.

GoPubMed: Knowledge-based: GO - GeneOntology - Searching sorted - Social network and folsonomy for sciences.

Healia: The health search engine. From the site, "The high quality and personalized health search engine".

KMLE (King's Medical Library Engine): Full American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary comprehensive resource including tens of thousands of audio pronunciations and abbreviation guides.

MeSH - Medical Subject Headings (GoPubMed): Knowledge-based.

SearchMedica: Professional Medical Search

WebMD: A source for health information, a symptom checklist, pharmacy information, and a place to store personal medical information.The leading US Health portal, it scores over 40 million hits per month.

Courtesy of http://www.thesearchenginelist.com/


Medical journals

Medical magazines


to improve selected people's "quality", and supply

humanity for free with a chance of survival anywhere

suitable for a similar natural life as here, before it' s

too late ! More here. Email here. Genetics DNA news

4 Super guys, gals, young until 100, with multi erections,

ejaculations, orgasms... per day or week, then adult until

200 years, then life until 250, soon possible ? 800 years ?

Sign in Top of page Google Wikipedia


Synt-Bio DNA-tech EPO-blood

DNA-identity ?

DNA-mapping of the whole world population ?


Your individual DNA-data on satellite before your birth ?

--ʘ-- --ʘ-- Reclone --ʘ-- StemC Videos

4 (for) geeks, control-freaks, insiders-preds,

how to freak out in 2013 ... 2030, with links to

all planet vibes, all activities, genetic engineering,

individuals’ DNA, anything

Spectroscopy Atomic molecular spectroscopy

in Guangdong Genetics He Jiankui

Personalized Medicine in your smartphone


Personal Nano Satellite

connected to your smartphone, mad?

Storage of individuals' knowledge, memory, and experiences,

just before or after their death, already possible by 2015-30 ??


SEXUALITY by Dr P. E. Thibault

Sexuality + Genetics

Med Spec Dermato

Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Paolo Macchiarini but ...

Paolo Macchiarini vs Pierre Delaere

Personalized Medicine in your smartphone

on Videos

Chemistry +

Synthetic Chem, Bio * **

Chem News

Med News The Lancet BMJ AJM


FASS Läkemedel ( in Sweden )

FASS Medicines ( in other countries )

Pharma News Lab Cheat

Omerta pharma, oh merd' ta gueule !!!

Pharmaceutical Industries, Drug Firms,

good pharma, pharmacists,

together with doctors, can mostly help you

feeling better, cure you, and live longer.

But in too many cases, bad pharma

can also cheat, lie, steal, and kill.

Les médicaments inutiles et dangereux

des puissants lobbys pharmaceutiques

Prescrire : Médicaments inutiles et dangereux 2018

Pharma Alerts & Warnings

Diseases Allergies Endometriosis

Epidemics Pandemics

Ticks Lyme Borrelia

Animals Human diseases

Medicines and Children

Médicaments et Enfants

More Bad Phama Videos

Fake, Counterfeit, Medicines, Drugs



Poles melting in 2017, a threat to all Future human,

animal, vegetal, and biological Life on this Earth ???

Soon ??? A great danger now ( Red flag Apocalypse ),

or in some 1000 years ???

What if worst case scenario becomes a reality ???

All Science data systems show abnormal increases

in CO2, CH4, N2O, especially methane gas, in the

atmosphere since 1980 ( Tasmania ) ( ESSD ) ???

CO2 and permafrost methane release, will kill all

living species, humans too ??? Fire ice -*- ???

Only some 1000s of humans will leave the earth

on space ships, but will not come very far ???

Only those changing to other temporarily

non-material life state, estate, form, nature ...,

will find, outside this Solar System,

( Solar system rotation, Galaxy rotation ),

a second, or several planet-like worlds, fit for

new lives systems, where they will be able to

shift back to some sorts of better biologic bodies ???

2020 - CSPR/Cas9


12 - Real Big Questions - Really Big 1s



References for all these works, research results,

and public material mentioned on this page,

all are directly linked to the names of their authors,

often and abundantly quoted on the Internet.

More info about these researchers and their works

at Google and other specialized Search Engines.

Anonymity info :

Onion routing

Tor (anonymity network)

Degree of anonymity

Cryptology ePrint Archive

Hash HashKeeper DHT ...

for a rather secure transmission of most scientific

written material and info, but NOT 100% !!!

Own layout, options, & web design

New internet systems on their way

Special4u Angelfire Pages & Texts

Top 100 sites by PAT at Angelfire

and many web creations originally written,

composed, & layouted by PAT from 1994

to 2014, are now managed by Olaricss

"The Special4u many approaches"