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Want a flooded or an icy Earth ???

Both are coming, sooner than you think ???


Flooding Flooding the earth ???

Real Big Questions - Big 1s

or Drastic changes on Earth ?

At first, maximum ocean flooding less than 170 m ???

Next Ice Age ? For sure, but when ???

Oceans will flood but won't rise more than

about 1 to 12 m higher for the next 150 years ?

Ice is also coming, that' s certain, and it can

take between 30 to about 300 years, or more,

to start re-icing ?

First, it will be 3 o to 12 o Celsius warmer

from now and on, for about 150 years ?

A "Warm peak", before each new "Deep freeze"

that will "dive" to about - 30 o to - 80 o Celsius

winter time ? The ice will thicken to up to an

average of 1 to 4 km ( 2.5 miles ) ?

Seattle and parts of USA, Chicago, New York,

London, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Moscow ...,

will be covered with thick ice, much higher

than any of the highest buildings of today 2014 ?

Central America, maybe the Iberian coasts,

surely the French and Italian Riviera, the Balkans,

Greece, the South Black Sea areas, Rain Forests,

S E Asia, Japan … will still be nice places for

humans and animals to live in ... ?

Your grand children grand kids better start learning

new languages !


Poles melting in 2017, a threat to all Future human,

animal, vegetal, and biological Life on this Earth ???

Soon ??? All science data systems show strange

increases of CO2, CH4, N2O, specially methane gas,

in the air since 1980 ( Tasmanian air ) ( ESSD ) ???

Is there a great danger now ( Red flag Apocalypse ),

or in 1000 years ahead ???

What if worst case scenario becomes a reality ???

CO2 and permafrost methane release, will kill all

living species, humans too ??? Fire ice -*- ???

Only some 1000s of humans will leave the earth

on space ships, but will not come very far ???

Only those changing to other temporarily

non-material life state, estate, form, nature ...,

will find, outside this Solar System,

( Solar system rotation, Galaxy rotation ),

a second, or several planet-like worlds, fit for

new lives systems, where they will be able to

shift back to some sorts of better biologic bodies ???

a 2nd Earth

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( Click / Tap here to see where and by whom this image with relevant texts is published. )

( Click / Tap on this picture to see here an example of Flash animation of it, with sound. )


Very important info about the Earth

Earth, Climate, and Biological Life

( inclusively for all plants, animals, and humans )

Maps 28 - EARTH +

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2021 ... 2150 ... Time scale Time spiral


References for all these works, research results,

and public material mentioned on this page,

are all directly linked to the names of their authors,

often and abundantly quoted on the Internet.

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