Mcafee - mcafee provides online protection, virus scanning, threats blocking and many more other features. Download mcafee today from with the help of product key or 25 digit mcafee activation code. Check steps to download, install or activate mcafee antivirus.

How to activate mcafee subscription from

    1. Open your web browser and visit mcafee official website:
    2. Select "Country" and "Language"
    3. Select the correct "Region"
    4. Submit your activation code
    5. See the mcafee retail card backside to check activation code
    6. Online purchasers copy the code from your Email Address.
    7. If prompted, Please make sure the Email Address you have entered is correct. If your email address is incorrect:
    8. Click on "Verify"
    9. Mcafee subscription is activated.

How to Download and Install McAfee Software

    1. If you want to download and install McAfee, then you can follow the provided steps:
    2. Switch on the PC and launch any web browser.
    3. Navigate to
    4. Select the correct country and language.
    5. Type the details when prompted: McAfee product key and Email address.
    6. Click the Submit option.
    7. Tap Edit if you have provided the wrong email address.
    8. Click Verify if the email is entered correctly.
    9. Your McAfee subscription has been claimed and the product key has been redeemed.
    10. Then the prompted instructions will help you create a new McAfee account.
    11. The McAfee activate setup will now be downloaded automatically.

Activate mcafee software offline

    1. Search and click the which you have installed in your devices.
    2. Find the “McAfee activate” option from the menu bar
    3. Enter the McAfee retail card activation code or mcafee enter activation code
    4. Click on “Activate” to proceed further.