First Annual Philosophers' Cocoon Philosophy Conference - 2013 PCPC

The University of Tampa

October 19-20, 2013 

Organizer/Contact: Marcus Arvan

About the Conference

This conference, associated with The Philosophers' Cocoon, aims to provide early-career philosophers a constructive forum to discuss their work. It will be unique in several respects:

Information for Attendees

The University of Tampa, located in the heart of downtown Tampa, is a convenient 10 minute drive from the airport. Aside from rental cars, taxis are the only method of transportation to and from the airport (cost is approximately $25 one-way).  Affordable lodging is available downtown, within easy walking distance from the conference.

The conference will be held in the John Sykes College of Business building (download campus map here). The building is easily visible (it has big white Greco-Roman pillars) from the Faculty parking lot on West Kennedy Blvd (parking is free and available on weekends).  Registration will be in the Sykes building lobby.

Conference Program