
Welcome. This is the official website of Mission Of Grace International, a nonprofit (501(c)3 ) organization created in 2012,but born within the heart of her founder more than 30

years ago in Cameroon (Central Africa). Mission Of Grace International believes in the spiritual, social, educational and mental development of the youth in order to build and establish ethics, moral and strong leadership at all levels. To be able to reach their goal the members of MGI have vowed to lift up the virtues of Love and Compassion without which no lasting result can be attained when it comes to empowering young people with an investment for time and eternity. You are not here by mistake. Are you a young person, a student, a mother, a father, a man or a woman of faith? Maybe you are a business man or a business woman, we all share the same desire: It is to see our children become men and women of dignity in life.