
Signs & Symbols Systems mmp

Symbology Free arrows

Highlighted and/or underlined

words, signs, arrows, symbols,

& images, are all hyperlinked to

colour-codes, further web sites,

or new pages within a site.

< Back to Google Special4u

< Back to a 2nd Earth

Back to :

3 - SMARTPHONES 2014 - 2020




Many pages of this Top Mega Site are under daily

upgrading by its members, as mentioned below :


Completely, really free, no fee, no trick,

no registration, no download, no install,

no listing of IP address, no ad, no popup,

nothing for sale, no reselling your data to

commercial marketing, no GPS tracking,

no email sent if not agreed before with you

as a staff member, no record kept on you.

Just for surfing, for browsing, for your info.

Modified by members only : Use personal backdoors.

Daily codes change at office hours in your time zone.

Worldwide com hours : 01:00-06:00 GMT + 2:00

Many accesses & backdoors

No Sign in = ### if not a member after applying by email

and getting an ok reply. Free open email : wetry2@gmail.com

This Mega Site is updated, upgraded, & modified, by members

only. Secure https cookies thru Google & other reliable sites.

A Top Mega Site ...

A Top Mega Site linking each small questions of

ours, to The Real Big Global Things all around us ...

Probably 1 of the most advanced websites

on most internet, intranet, & extranet systems

4 personal, org, gov, & co. use, even with DHT,

QEC, & Alint, DI, DW, ...

This Mega Site can be freely used as 1 architecture model 4 a new

European Internet (from 2015), or for many new continental internets

during the 3rd decade of this Century, and in the further Far Future

societies of this Millennium ...

Out with the Old, In in with the New


Daily New Media Innovation, Evolution, & Change

After the Digital Age

Technological advances & new sociological revolutions

New Technological Revolutions

New Revolutions not Civilization Change

Change of Civilization

Environmentalism, Green Activism ...

(books), ok and useful, but too timid,

already obsolete, not enough for modern

long term solutions to so quick, radical,

and deep changes in our present societal

system evolution by 2014 ?

A more advanced technological thinking,

scientific, future revolutionary inventions,

mental approach to Future Developments

and brain use, will be required, needed, or

wanted, by a soon 10-15 billion population

on this present Earth ?

Future Plant Labs & Vegetal Chemistry

Future Agriculture Future Food production

Future Transportation & Distribution systems

DNA-test all food Generation Earth

Biggest Food Processing Companies

All food-info barcoded, on satellite, freely accessible ?

Many videos about barcode systems

Anything, from the smallest dna, cell, bacteria, organism ...,

to any registered plant, insect, animal, living, or dead being

(David Attenborough's videos), human person, face,

entire body, skin surface, skin deep texture, hair, nails,

tatoos, piercing, fingerprints, organs, eyes, personal

data & dna, family psychiatric health, social, legal, and

psychological, psychiatric anamnesis, personality mapping ...,

any text, book, newspaper, magazine,

document, composition, creation, object shape,

textile, matter, picture, photo, every single film image, video, sound, music,

construction, building, product, device, sensor, machine, engine, food, beverage ...,

on barcodes with IP addresses uploaded on satellite, or on "space nodes",

visible, hearable, audible ..., picked up on earth ..., as well as any "event"

happening here and around the known universe ..., is to be "mapped" on

quantum computers, any computer, laptop, tab, device, phone,

smartphone, specs, lenses, watches ..., anywhere, everywhere ..., perhaps

by Google, and most probably by many other similar systems,

as for example this developed Special4u system ...

>>>>, Google, Samsung, on a Smartwatch war

with Sony ..., also working on a Read my eyes

>>>> Thinkonly no touch ”Supersmart”

flex-leaf phone-cam-proj, a 28 years old project

by PAT in the Magic Box, and thru many of these links :

Thinkonly, contact-lenses transmitting sight-sound directly to

brain, getting enough electrical power from blood glucose ?

Terminator on its way ? SuperRobots accessing SuperComps,

QuantumComps, thru their official internet sites, IP adresses,

emails, app connections, services, back doors, electromagnetic

pulses, impulses, and "breathing", positions when moving ...,

"reading" the contents of any structure in any "brain system",

in any kind of living organism, conscious or unconscious, also

the contents of any "mind", thoughts, short-long-term-working

memory, dreams, nightmares, feelings, emotions, past and

present "anxieties", heart rhythm, mental & health anamnesis,

sex-life, Sex, Tastes, Hermaphrodites, in India, in Pakistan, -*-,

individuals, ancestors, DNA & heredity,

archetypes, ethical values, religious references, beliefs, spirit,

soul, your planning ability for instant & future behaviour, even

ideas, political opinions, shopping envies ...,

Nano Revolution, altogether stored & managed on & from

personal nano-satellites, Nano Sat, instantly accessible from

super-smartphones, tabs, pc, smart devices, smart electronics...,

smart eyeglasses, smart contact-lenses, smart watch, bracelets,

bank accounts, job, company ... ? SciFi obsolete ? Insane ?

After the Digital Revolution,

Can anybody track & decode any satellite signals ? Yes

Mass Data, billions of Sync PCs, sync smartphones,

bigger than SuperComps, Big Data, Quantum comps ?

Now the Genetic Revolution, the Neuro Revolution ...

Internet rapidly changing brain evolution

Sign in To top of page Google Wikipedia

NEW in 2012 ... 2013 ... 2014 ...

2020 … 2030 ... 2050 ... 2100 …


"VIRTUAL CLOUD", are new keywords, terms,

concepts, and programs, created within the

Special4u sphere from Dec 2012 - 2013 ... 2020,

in order to determine and materialize a new

form of "VIRTUAL COM" (communication idea)

or "VIRTUAL COMPUTING", that could become

more secure and safe from hacking thru many

ways and attemps by global communication,

phone, and computing numerous surveillance

programs, agencies, bureaus, task forces ...,

with such missions.

The core of these new "COM & COMP" systems

still under development, is described here with

provisional names as :

Space Nodes Nodnetz.nod ZNod .coord

.kodkonet Nodnets.nod newnets ...

Agendas for these many program developers,

are still confidential or discreet, and are mostly

comprised within Knowledge concepts and ideas

mentioned above and below, more or less well

defined by the different data R&D programs,

Search Engines, Encyclopediae ..., especially

those of the Google and Special4u spheres.

Brain Developments


The Quantum Revolution

Quantum Entanglement

Digital intelligence Quantum Revolution

-0- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -00- -01-

Brilliant Lucero In every brain More Videos

Vidéos - Les Gardiens de la Mémoire Videos - Datacenters

The Hologram Revolution

Hologram Smartphone

The Science that will change everything

Machines understanding - Nell Watson

What if ??? - Amir Rubin & Nell Watson

References for all these works, research results,

and public material mentioned on this page,

are all directly linked to the names of their authors,

often and abundantly quoted on the Internet.

More info about these researchers and their works

at Google and other specialized Search Engines.

Anonymity info :

Onion routing

Tor (anonymity network)

Degree of anonymity

Cryptology ePrint Archive

Hash HashKeeper DHT ...

for a rather secure transmission of most scientific

written material and info, but NOT 100% !!!

Own layout, options, & web design â–ˇ

New internet systems on their way

At Google : Search for Google Special4u

Special4u Angelfire Pages & Texts

Top 100 sites by PAT at Angelfire

and many web creations originally written,

composed, & layouted by PAT from 1994

to 2014, are now managed by Olaricss

32 entangled

"The Special4u many approaches"