Mrs. Bloom

Agricultural Education 

Sioux Central CSD

From 2002-2014 and again 2021-present, I have been the agricultural teacher and FFA advisor at Sioux Central. 

My focus is on experiential and inquiry learning in agricultural sciences. Students will not receive daily grades for busy work, but instead focus on building knowledge and skills to demonstrate through projects. All students can find success in my classroom and I work to provide enrichment opportunities for students who excel.

"You get out what you put in. If you want more, give more." 

Jeannette Jenkins


2001: Double B.S. in Ag Ed / An Sci from Iowa State University

2008:  M.S. in Ag Ed from Iowa State University

2025 or 2026: Ph.D. in Ag Ed and Leadership from Mizzou

My husband and I also farm; we have three daughters in college and high school. We love supporting their FFA, cross country, track, music, and community events. We raise corn, soybeans, forage crops, hogs, and cattle (and we have horses for fun).