This year is going to be far different than any year that any of us have ever experienced. It will be a year of learning for everyone - students, teachers, staff, administration, and even parents! Please understand that teachers are learning how to teach all over again under these circumstances. We will do the best possible to ensure our lessons have value and efficacy.

Please read this page carefully and join REMIND and fill out the 2 short forms found in the "Taking Care of Business" link. Click on the underlined "FORMS HERE" and click on the underlined "FORMS" in the small pop up.


The number to text to is


and the message to send is


This will contact the team. Each individual teacher also has their own Remind account.

Remind is a terrific free phone app that allows teachers and parents to communicate through texting to keep up-to-date about your child. We send out announcements about homework, special projects, individual progress, and other very critical information to help your child to be successful. You can text us and ask questions about your child's progress or homework, etc.

Taking Care of Business

With the unusual circumstances we have this year, it is important that we understand who will be given permission for videos, students to appear in photos or class videos to promote what they are learning, and to find out what needs students have. Please take the time to fill in the forms in the link provided in #1.

  1. Sign online FORMS HERE to give permission for your child to view PG videos pertinent to their lessons, and complete the survey to give us more insight into your child, likes and dislikes, important issues you would like us to know about your child, etc.
  2. Bookmark this website so you can quickly and easily refer to it
  3. Be sure to check the calendar frequently for homework!

Homework Calendar

To fully utilize the calendar below and on the Calendar page, you can click on the core curriculum shown, for example Math, read what is written, click on any available links to see what we are using in the classroom, and most importantly, click on more details at the bottom. This will open up a new window so you can see your child's lessons, find links to the lessons, or download and print the lessons for your child.

Homework Calendar

2020-2021 Policies and Procedures

The presentation above is subject to changes due to COVID. Arrivals, dismissals, lunches, and lockers will be the most likely to be affected by any changes.

NOTE TO PARENTS: There have been questions about what movies are shown to students throughout the year.

There have been questions about what movies are shown to students throughout the year.

In Science class students watch the movie "Gravity" (2013) with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. This is most likely the most intense movie (mostly students will see all year. The purpose of this movie is to illustrate how difficult it is for man to survive in space where there is no oxygen, no air pressure, and no gravity to enable movement in what we consider "normal".

I encourage you to please check the IMDb Parents Guide for this movie. According to IMBD Parent Guide: "Rated PG-13 for intense perilous sequences, some disturbing images and brief strong language ". Here is the link for this guide:

Fill out the form (above in "Taking Care of Business" to indicate your permission for this movie and other movies other teachers may show.

Other teachers may show movies also to illustrate/demonstrate concepts they are teaching. Please ask the teachers about these movies.

Other movies that may be shown would be during Flex on Fridays when the weather is inclement and we cannot take the students outdoors for reward. Most movies are either animated movies (for example, "The BFG" (Big Friendly Giant), "Frozen", "Finding Nemo" or "Coco") or classics ("Homeward Bound", "The Iron Giant", or "Benji").