Canvas for Instructors

Hello and welcome to the Canvas for Instructors website! This website features a majority of the information needed to work within the Canvas Learning Management System. Below you will find direct links to key pieces that you need to know while working within Canvas.

The Term Transition information page features key steps to follow when needing to transition between quarters or semsters. Please pay attention to your email inbox as this information will also be sent out before a transition.

Google Assignments provides teachers with the ability to automatically create and share templates and worksheets, give rich feedback on student work, and can act as an optional plagiarism checker without the need of students sharing their google files with the teacher.

Please click on the Google Assignment Button for more information.

The Canvas Video Tutorial page allows teachers to watch a step by step how to process as they continue to create their Canvas Sandbox Course and copy the course into their Live Canvas Course!

Before beginning your Canvas Course please follow the instructions to download a Canvas Course Template for your class level by clicking on the button below!

What is Canvas?

One thing we know for sure is that we need a Learning Management System (LMS) that is consistent for staff and families. District-wide, we will be using Canvas as our LMS platform. Many features make this a better option than Google Classroom: including data integration with LBL SIS/Wazzle, pre-built classes, and modules. Our CTE teachers have already been using Canvas quite extensively and Kirsten Barnes is going to have some TOSA time to help support this transition.

You will be provided with plenty of PD and training upon your return in August. We are still working on getting all students connected and figuring out how to ensure that every student has a suitable learning environment.

Kirsten Barnes's Welcome to Silverton High School Canvas Step-by-Step Guide

This guide is designed to Help Silverton High Teachers walk through setting up a new course in Canvas. Contained within this document are links to documents on Canvas's community website that can also be found in the Canvas Course Detailed Page of this website.

Welcome to Silverton High School Canvas.pdf