
Athanase Benetos

Athanase Benetos graduated from the Medical School of the University of Athens in 1980 and obtained his PhD at the University of Paris VI in 1994. He is presently Professor of Geriatric Medicine and Biology of Aging, and Chairman of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology, at the University Hospital of Nancy-Lorraine. A. Benetos is the past - President of the European Geriatric Medicine (EuGMS).

A Senior Researcher at INSERM, he focuses his research on the age-related arterial changes, and their clinical manifestations and more especially on the role of telomeres dynamics on arterial aging, the contribution of the vascular aging on the physical and cognitive frailty and the management of hypertension in very old people. A. Benetos was the coordinator of the FHU-CARTAGE during the period 2015-2020. He has authored more than 360 papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals (H index 79). In 2010 he published the book “ABCDaire du futur centenaire” (Robert Laffont, Paris). In 2019 he co-edited “The Cambridge Handbook of Successful Aging” (Cambridge University Press)

The leaders of each scientific axis

Magnus Bäck

  • Professor of Cardiology
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Patrick Rossignol

  • Professor of Therapeutics, Univ. of Lorraine
  • Coordinating Physician, Center for Clinical Investigations CIC-P, INSERM Nancy

Patrick Lacolley

  • Research Director, INSERM
  • Co-Director UMS IBSLor

Athanase Benetos

  • please see above

Sebastien Richard

  • Professor of Neurology, Univ. of Lorraine
  • Head of Neuro-Vascular Unit, CHRU Nancy

Benjamin Gory

  • Professor of Neuro-Radiology, Univ. of Lorraine

Philippe Gillery

  • Prof. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Univ. of Reims

Simon Toupance

  • Asst. Prof. of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Univ. of Lorraine

Pierre-Yves Marie

  • Prof. of Nuclear Medecine, Univ. of Lorraine
  • Chief Scientific Officer, Nancyclotep

Jacques Felblinger

  • Prof. of Radiology, Univ. of Lorraine
  • Director, Diagnostic and Interventional Adaptive Imaging Unit, CHRU Nancy / INSERM

Marie-Dominique Devignes

  • Head Researcher, CNRS
  • Team Leader, CAPSID@ INRIA LORIA

Malika Smail

  • Asst. Prof. of Computer Sciences, Univ. of Lorraine

Laure Joly

  • Professor of Geriatrics, Univ. of Lorraine

Nicolas Girerd

  • Asst. Prof. of Therapeutics, Univ. of Lorraine
  • Medical Officer, CIC-P Nancy