
Dear Parents,

We are delighted that your child is with us this year. With your help we believe that we can ensure an exciting and successful year of learning for your child. Please read and become familiar with the following procedures. This information will answer many of your questions. We are looking forward to meeting you at Curriculum Night.

Labels- Please put a label with your child's name on all of their belongings, such as their coat, hats, sweater, lunch box, and backpack.

Backpack - All children must bring a backpack to school every day. They need to bring and bring their homework folder and notes from home to school. Please check your child's backpack every day and return it with the folder and only their homework.

Lunch- Your child will eat lunch at school every day. You can buy lunch or bring it from home. The cost of lunch is $ 2.50 daily. You should put the money in an envelope with your child's name. If your child will buy lunch frequently, you can choose to add money to their "My School Bucks".

Snack - Your child should bring a healthy snack every day. Please put the snack in a bag marked with your child's name and the word snack. In this way we can ensure that you eat the snack and not your lunch at the time of your snack.

Birthdays / Holidays - Due to the new health policy there will no longer be birthday celebrations or holidays in the class that include meals. The children will receive a crown and we will sing "Happy Birthday" to them on their day. The other holidays we will celebrate with art activities and games.

Absences - When your child misses school please call the office. On the following day please send a note with your child indicating the reason for their absence.

Holidays of the Year - The parent volunteers of the class will be in charge of planning the Thanksgiving, December and end of year picnic parties. For some celebrations, parent volunteers are the ones able to participate. While we are using the Hybrid model some of these activities may change. We will keep you updated on these changes.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us at school. We will try to call you back as soon as possible. You can also contact us via email. We will do our best to reply immediately.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Mrs. Molina and Mrs. DeNuzzo