Reading, Writing, and Social Studies

We are currently going over nonfiction texts and text features within nonfiction texts.

In January, we will be studying procedural texts by reading directions, recipes, experiments, etc.

We will also read persuasive texts and practice writing persuasive papers.

Our next unit assessments will be January 21-22.

On the Writing Assessment, the students will be tested on:

  • Revising to combine or delete sentences and using accurate word choice.
  • Writing the date correctly with capital letters and commas.
  • Irregular past-tense verbs (knew, grew, run, etc.)
  • Commas in a list. (The boy wanted a bike, a glove, and two pieces of gum.)
  • Doubling a consonant and adding -ed. (hopped, bobbed, trotted, etc)
  • Homophones (to, two, too)(write, right)(here, hear)(great, grate)(through, threw)
  • Capitalizing ALL words in a proper noun. (The United States of America, North America, Burger King)

4A and 4B Student Expectations
SS Unit 6 and 5 SE