Young Adult (YA) Literature

What is Young Adult Literature?

Young Adult Literature (YA) is fiction targeting readers between the ages of 12 to 18, 7th grade and up.  Common themes for YA include issues students may face such as, friendships, dating, family problems, violence, belonging, etc.

Why are there concerns over YA?

Parents have concerns because some YA books discuss mature topics and may contain strong language. ChMS teaches students to self censor their reading by discussing with guardians what is acceptable for their family.

How will a child know if a book is YA?

At Chelsea Middle School, we label YA books with a yellow and pink sticker on the spine of the book. Students may also check suggested sites (located at the bottom of the page) to determine if the book is suited for them.

What if a child checks out a YA book and changes their mind?

If a student checks out ANY book and decides it's not for them; simply return the book, no questions asked.

Examples of YA Literature:

Sites to review a Young Adult novel:

Common Sense Media:



School Library Journal: https://www/