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Building a bigger tent: Inclusion and belonging in health data science and AI

Denis Newman-Griffis (they/them)

University of Sheffield(UK), Information School

Wednesday, 28th June 11AM to 12PM, Location: Ada Lovelace Room (Regent Court)


Data science and artificial intelligence have challenging histories of under-representation and exclusion, both of people and perspectives. Researchers and academics can take valuable steps in understanding this history and reshaping the field going forward. This talk will highlight early work towards disability-centred approaches to data and AI, including strategies to deconstruct the design and use of AI systems to better understand and challenge the impact of specific design decisions on people’s lived experience of AI. I will also discuss experiences, resources, and lessons learned informing efforts to support wider participation in academic spaces.

About the Speaker

Denis Newman-Griffis (they/them) is a queer, neurodivergent Lecturer in Data Science at the University of Sheffield, Information School. Their work investigates ethical and responsible AI practices, with a focus on health informatics and the intersection of data, AI, and disability. They are an inaugural Member of the UK Young Academy, where they also serve on the Executive Group. They serve on the American Medical Informatics Association’s DEI Committee, and were the recipient of the 2021 AMIA Doctoral Dissertation Award.