Support for Students

Here are a few of the resources and support services we have at the University of Sheffield

Within the School of East Asian Studies

The Student Experience Team in the SEAS is ready to listen to and support you throughout your time with us. We will be there to explain processes, signpost support services and and help you if things aren't going to plan. 

Our general enquiries email address is

If your enquiry relates partcularly to welfare/wellbeing/health, you can email

Your Academic Tutor

All students will be assigned an Academic Tutor to support them in each year of their studies. Your Academic Tutor in Level 1 will have expertise at supporting students settle into University life, and they will be an expert in the East Asian area which you are studying. You will meet your Academic Tutor in Welcome Week, be invited to regular group meetings throughout semester, and be able to book individual meetings with them at any time of the year. You can talk to your Academic Tutor about anything relating to your studies - if they cannot help, they will be able to signpost someone who can!

Your Programme Lead

Your Programme Lead has overall responsibility for all students studying your degree. They can advise on bigger issues such as changing degree programme, or taking a break from studies. Programme Leads for 2023/24 are:

Chinese Studies - Dr Marjorie Dryburgh

East Asian Studies - Dr Zhong Zhang

Japanese Studies - Dr Tom McAuley

Korean Studies - Dr Deokhyo Choi

Director of Undergraduate Studies/Disability Liaison Officer

Dr Mike Prentice has a dual role for SEAS. As Director of Undergraduate Studies he has oversight of all matters affecting our undergraduate students. Mike is the chair of the Undergraduate Student Staff Committee (more information on this is available once you have completed registration). Students with registered disabilities can speak to Mike if they have concerns on how this will impact their studies, especially around studying a language. 

Central University Services

Listed below is a a small but vital selection of support services - there is more on offer, which SEAS staff, or the central Student Services Information Desk, can signpost

1. Academic Skills

The 301 centre runs workshops, offers guides, gives sessions to help you get all the academic and personal skills necessary to fully succeed in your degree. 

2. Health and Wellbeing

To register with UHS scan the QR code

University Health Service (UHS)

The University Health Service are specialists in student health and offer services that are not routinely available at other GP (Doctors) practices, such as: 

We strongly recommend that all students register with the University Health Service

Disability and Dyslexia Support Services

DDSS (Disability and Dyslexia Support Service) offers a wide range of support for students who need a bit more help to get through their studies. It is a very popular service and you are strongly advised to contact them as soon as you can to set up the support you need.

Student Wellbeing Service

Short term and tailored one to one support  if you’re feeling down, overwhelmed or struggling to adjust to student life. 

Cat and Ben are our Faculty's dedicated Student Wellbeing Advisors, who are very experienced in supporting students facing a variety of challenges. You'll meet Cat at the SEAS Welcome Meeting on Monday 18th September.

3. General Advice for Students

Student Services Information Desk (SSID)

This central service is the repository of all knowledge on processes, fees, administration, health, etc. If you have a question about your studies, if you have a form to fill, or any other question, please have look there!

Student Advice Centre

The student advice centre is run by the Students Union and is a professional, impartial, confidential and non-judgemental service, providing advice, support and representation to help you resolve your problems.