Specialist Korean

Welcome to new students in a Korean focussed degree

A warm welcome from Sheffield! My name is Sukyeon Cho and I am the Korean Language

Programme Lead. With Welcome Week fast approaching you must be excited to start the first

chapter of your new life!

You will have six hours of language classes a week and will be learning basic grammar, reading,

speaking, and writing. We utilise lots of fun resources in class such as our own video and audio

materials, songs, and games because we strongly believe that learning languages should be fun, and

students can learn the most in a motivating and enjoyable environment. So it should be fun and we hope you will enjoy learning Korean with us!

Korean Language Preparation

We start from the absolute beginning, so there is no need for you to have any prior knowledge of the language. However, there is quite a steep learning curve especially at the beginning if you do not know Hangul. Please take a look at the following materials which we will do in Week 1.

Click here to access materials

If you have any problems accessing the materials, please contact me at s.cho@sheffield.ac.uk or the Student Experience Team at seas@sheffield.ac.uk

Meet the Team

Sukyeon Cho

Sukyeon Cho joined the School of East Asian Studies in 2005 as a part-time language teaching fellow.

She taught Korean at University of Durham in 2006-2007. She became the Korean Language Programme Lead at the University of Sheffield in 2008. 

She has been an active member of the Sheffield Korean Society. She was the deputy head of the Sheffield Korean School in 2003-2006 and the head teacher in 2006-2008.

Yeon Jeong Kim

Yeon-Jeong started her career in teaching Korean as a foreign language in 2004, and built an extensive teaching experience in Korea and Japan. 

She earned a Master’s degree in Intercultural Communication from the University of Sheffield in 2014 and joined the University of Sheffield in 2015.

Seri Lee

Seri Lee started working for the School of East Asian Studies in 2014. Her job involves teaching the Korean language, teaching translation to Korean specialists and developing digital microlearning resources using Xerte toolkits. 

Seri is interested in teaching translation as a comprehensive learning tool to deepen students’ understanding of the target language in company with cultural understanding. She is also interested in research subjects bridging SLA theory and practice.

Dr Gigi Choi

Dr Gigi Choi graduated with a PhD in Korean as a Foreign Language Education from Hanyang University, Seoul in 2020, writing her thesis on the role of cultural education through translation and how this can be used in the language classroom. 

She has taught Korean Language since 2013 in a range of contexts: at the Hanyang Institute of International Education, at the University of Rome, Sapienza, for the Sejong Institute, and, most recently, at the University of Central Lancashire.

Level 1 Korean Language Modules

In Level 1, you will be taught by two teachers: Sukyeon Cho and Gigi Choi.

You will study four core Korean language modules as follows:

Autumn semester

·        EAS1043 Korean Language 1A, 20 credits

·        EAS1044 Korean Language 1B, 10 credits 

Spring semester

·        EAS1045 Korean Language 2A, 20 credits

·        EAS1046 Korean Language 2B, 10 credits

Each semester you will have two Korean language modules, but you can think of these combined as one module as they are closely linked. You need to pass all four modules to progress to Level 2.

These modules will provide you with a basic knowledge of the Korean language, emphasising the acquisition of essential skills in both written and spoken language at the beginner’s level. What we aim to achieve during your first year in Sheffield is to give you a strong foundation in Korean.

You will study with the textbooks ‘Vitamin Hangugeo 1’ in the autumn semester and ‘Vitamin Hangugeo 2’ in the spring semester. The textbooks will be given to you at the beginning of each semester.