Specialist Chinese

Welcome to new students in a Chinese focussed degree

Hello from Sheffield! My name is Dr Lucille Han and I am the coordinator of the Chinese Language Programme you are taking in a couple of weeks. With Welcome Week fast approaching you must be excited to start the first chapter of your new life!

If you have studied Chinese language previously, you may be able to take an advanced language pathway - please speak to Dr Lucille Han if you think that this applies to you.

Meet the Team

Lucille Han is the Chinese Language Lead. Dr. Han joined the School of East Asian Studies in January 2011 after completing her Ph.D in applied linguistics at the University of Leeds.

Dr. Han’s main research interests are topics related to second language acquisition, especially second language listening. She looks at the differences between classroom listening and real-life listening, mainly from a sociolinguistic perspective.

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Dr Mei Zhang. Having worked in a number of multidisciplinary research environments in Beijing, Cambridge, Stuttgart and Sheffield, Dr Zhang’s research interests lie mainly in two themes: globalisation and its impact on rural-urban migration, rural development and urbanisation in China; and cultural, environmental and sustainable development

Level 1 Chinese Language Modules

In Level 1, you will study four, core Japanese language modules, as follows: 

This module is focusing on receptive activities and written productive activities in Chinese language. It aims to enable students to acquire basic competence in grammar, reading, writing and translation both from and into Chinese skills. Every week carefully designed grammar structures and vocabulary will be introduced so that students will be able to do something practical in writing. Chinese characters and sentences are introduced from the earliest stages.  

This module is focusing on interactive activities in Chinese. It aims to enable students to acquire basic competence in speaking and listening skills. Every week carefully designed grammar structures and vocabulary will be introduced so that students will be able to communicate in Chinese through a variety of activities.   

This module is focusing on receptive activities and written productive activities in Chinese language. It aims to enable students to acquire basic competence in grammar, reading, writing and translation both from and into Chinese skills. Every week carefully designed grammar structures and vocabulary will be introduced so that students will be able to do something practical in writing Chinese characters and sentences are introduced from the earliest stages.  

This module is focusing on interactive activities in Chinese. It aims to enable students to acquire basic competence in speaking and listening skills. Every week carefully designed grammar structures and vocabulary will be introduced so that students will be able to communicate in Chinese through a variety of activities.