Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered below, you can email us at, or call on 0114 222 8400

Your timetable is available online from the 4th September. Most students use the iSheffield app to access their timetable, but there are several different ways to view it, as detailed here

Most Studies modules will have a lecture (with all students in a room together at the same time), and a seminar (students split into smaller groups for an interactive learning session). Most Language modules will be small group teaching with muliple classes each week.

Teaching sessions start on the hour and typically last for 50 mins or 110 minutes. A ten minute changeover time is built into the end of each teaching session to give students enough times to move between classes (often in different buildings). Your classes may appear as hour blocks in your timetable, but the 10 minute rule still applies.

Typical teaching times are Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm. Wednesday afternoons (from 1pm) are usually left clear for undergraduates so that they can take part in extracurricular activities. 

With so many modules on offer and so many students to accommodate, sometimes you will see a clash on your timetable, showing two sessions happening at the same time. If this happens, please send an email to as we may be able to resolve this issue.

Possible outcomes are: 

Dual degree students essentially have two departments - you should be allocated two Academic Tutors, have access to two Programme Leads, and be supported by two Student Experience Teams. If your issues specifically relates to one side of your degree or another, it makes sense to contact the department with responsibilty for that area. If your issue is more general, and/or impacts the whole of your degree you can contact whichever department you wish - if necessary, the two departments will liaise with one another, and with you, to resolve the issues.

When you received your formal offer to study from the University's Admissions team, you should have also received an email from  which invited you to set up and activate your IT account. Once you have activated your account you will have access to your University account in MUSE (My University of Sheffield Environment). From there you will have access to your University email account. If you haven't received this setup email within three days of receiving your offer, please contact