Student Mental Health,  Counselling and Therapies Service

Student Mental Health, Counselling and Therapies Service

If you need mental health support during your studies, you can register online with Student Mental Health, Counselling and Therapies Service.

They'll consider your suitability for one-to-one counselling with the University Counselling Service, as well as a wide range of other available interventions. 

How do I register? 

The triage session provides an opportunity for you to talk briefly about your situation. The appointment may be sufficient in itself but if you need further support we can help you identify what is available.

Need to cancel or rearrange an appointment?

Further Questions?

Events and Workshops

Student Mental Health, Counselling & Therapies Service offers a range of online support sessions on a regular basis, including regular sessions for BME students and sessions that respond directly to global events. 

External Support

As a student, you have free international access to Togetherall, an online mental health community providing 24/7 support from peers and trained counsellors.

To find out more about our psychological support, visit: