Service User/Patient/Carer
Participant Information Sheet

Implementing new roles in mental health trusts: Research participant information sheet 

(Service users & carers)

If you would prefer to watch a video of this information, please see the video to the right or you can read the information below


Why is this research study taking place?

Mental health services in the NHS, including this Trust, have been introducing new staff job roles over the last few years. This is to improve services and help meet staffing needs. Previous research has looked at these kinds of jobs on their own to decide if they improve care. However, this often ignores how the whole team and service users are affected by the changes. Introducing a new job may mean that service users get care from larger teams, including new staff with unfamiliar job titles. This can have positive and /or negative effects on people’s experiences of care. 


In this project, we will visit four mental health Trusts in the North of England. We will identify clinical teams that have had a member of staff in a new job in the last two years. We will visit those teams to observe meetings and staff interactions.  We will also talk to staff, managers, service users and carers to see what the new jobs mean to them.  We will use what we learn to write guidelines to help others to introduce new jobs in ways that work best for everyone.  


We would like to speak to you to find out about your experience of the new job(s) in an informal research conversation. This will be recorded, but no-one outside the project team will have access to the recording.


Why have I been invited to take part?

You have been asked to participate, as you are either:


What will happen to me if I take part? What do I have to do?



Do I have to take part?  Can I change my mind? 


If you do decide to take part:


Please note that choosing to participate in this research will not create a legally binding agreement, nor is it intended to create an employment relationship between you and the University of Sheffield.


What are the possible disadvantages or risks of taking part?


What are the possible benefits of taking part?


How will you use information about me?  What will happen to the data collected, and the results of the research project?


The research data


The results




You can find out more about how we use your information by contacting:


For further information

For further details, please contact Dr Jaqui Long or Dr Sally Sanger at tel:  07738 101972 who are leading this part of the research.  If you are unable to reach Jaqui or Sally, you can contact Dr Emily Wood or Prof Damian Hodgson who are responsible for the study or  



Thank you for your interest in this project!

Legal and technical information 

We are required to provide you with the following information.


What is the legal basis for processing my personal data?

According to data protection legislation, we are required to inform you that the legal basis we are applying to process your personal data is that ‘processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest’ (Article 6(1)(e)). Further information can be found in the University’s Privacy Notice:


We will be collecting some data that is defined in the legislation as more sensitive (your name and contact details). Because of this, we also need to let you know that we are applying the following condition in law: that the use of your data is necessary ‘for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific research purposes or statistical purposes' (9(2)(j)).


Who is the Data Controller?

The University of Sheffield will act as the Data Controller for this study. This means that the University is responsible for looking after your information and using it properly.


Who is organising and funding the research?

This research is organised by the University of Sheffield and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, reference number 152665.


Who is responsible for insurance for the project?

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust is the NHS sponsor for this project, and is responsible all insurance arrangements relating to its management and design. 


Who has ethically reviewed the project?

This project has been reviewed and approved by the North of Scotland Research Ethics Committee reference 24/NS/0017.   


What if I am not happy and wish to complain about the research?


participant information sheet v2. 14/2/24 IRAS Ref 333780