Hidden Voices: Exploring the health experiences of children who migrate

Our Worldwide Universities Network collaboration brings together international expertise in the fields of migration, child and family studies, public health and child-centred research methodologies to develop work that will explore migrant children's perspectives on the impact of migration on their health. The collaboration builds upon initial scoping work to understand migrant children's health experiences and outcomes in Europe.

We have 4 key objectives:

1. To forge a dynamic interdisciplinary network

2. To carry out 3 regional scoping reviews (Africa, Americas and Western Pacific) on the health experiences of migrant children

3. To hold a research prioritisation exercise and methodological challenges workshop with relevant stakeholders which will lead to the development of future research grant applications and partnerships.

4. To foster the development of PhD students and early career researchers in relation to child migrant health through their inclusion in the network and in future grant applications.