Dr Venet Osmani
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer in Data Science
Department: Information School
Faculty: Data Science
Research expertise
Gender, racial and other types of bias in clinical data
Machine learning methods to address health data poverty for underrepresented groups
Predicting patient outcomes using machine learning and clinical data from Biobanks/Electonic Health Records
Predicting mental health outcomes using behaviour data from wearables and smartphones
Telephone: +44 114 222 2676
Email: v.osmani@sheffield.ac.uk
Before joining the University of Sheffield, I was a tenured Senior Researcher in Digital Health Centre at Fondazione Bruno Kessler research institute, Italy where I led a group of researchers and students in tackling challenges in medicine using machine learning methods. I was also a lecturer in the department of Psychology and Cognitive Science at University of Trento, Italy.
I am an invited Expert Evaluator for European Commission (Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, FET Open / EIC Pathfinder, MSCA Programmes), UK's Medical Research Council (MRC), UK's National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and was a Steering Committee member of Pervasive Health conference. I collaborate with some of the leading healthcare institutions in the US, including Mayo Clinic (FL), Cleveland Clinic (OH), and Mount Sinai Hospital (NY), as well as several leading European research institutions.
I am on the Editorial Board of BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making journal and I am an Associate Editor for Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, published by Frontiers in Computer Science.
Research Interests
My research interests are in computational modelling of human behaviour as well as modelling disease trajectories from clinical (EHR) data to: i) estimate risk of outcomes in chronic diseases, including mental disorders, ii) predict outcomes in critical care (ICU), and iii) optimise treatment strategies. In this and related areas I am involved in several projects where some of my work has been featured in MIT Technology Review, The Telegraph, Le Figaro and other media outlets.