Daily Schedule

Remote Learners, please join us each day:

Day 1

Morning Meeting: (ELA and Math Standards)

Literacy: Phonics and Word Building; Interactive Read Aloud and Shared Reading

Math/Science: (Math; and Science Standards)

Daily Wrap-Up: Review of the day; and Story

Specials: Mrs. Behr- Physical Education

Day 2

Morning Meeting: (ELA and Math Standards)

Literacy: Phonics and Word Building; and Interactive Read Aloud/Shared Reading

Math/Science: (Math; and Science Standards)

Daily Wrap-up: Review of the day; and Story


  • Ms. Futerko Art - 12:26 - 1:26 (Just click on my name to join our class)

  • Mrs. Bivins-Library 1:52-2:15

Day 3

Morning Meeting: (ELA and Math Standards)

Literacy: Phonics and Word Building; Interactive Read Aloud and Shared Reading

Math/Science: (Math; and Science Standards)

Daily Wrap-Up: Review of the day; and Story

Specials: Mrs. Behr-Physical Education

Day 4

Morning Meeting: (ELA and Math Standards)

Literacy: Phonics and Word Building; Interactive Read Aloud and Shared Reading

Math/Science: (Math; and Science Standards)

Daily Wrap-Up: Review of the day; and Story


Day 5

Morning Meeting: (ELA and Math Standards)

Literacy: Phonics and Word Building; Interactive Read Aloud and Shared Reading

Math/Science: (Math and Science Standards)

Daily Wrap-up: Review of the day; and Story

Specials: Mrs. Behr-Physical Education

Day 6

Morning Meeting: (ELA and Math Standards)

Literacy: Phonics and Word Building; Interactive Read Aloud and Shared Reading

Math/Science: (Math; and Science Standards)

Daily Wrap-Up: Review of the day; and Story


  • Mrs. Letteron-Music 9:34-10:14 (Beginning 9-25-20)

  • Ms. Futerko-Art 12:26 - 1:26 (Just click on my name to join our class)