About Help Desk

Help Desk Mission: To support the use of technologies that promote learning 

We aim to help students and educators by promoting awareness of new tools and creating tutorials for educators and students to learn how to use those tools.  We also work on special projects for the school that are related to technology use.

For information about applying to join the Help Desk, contact Stacy Newman, Instructional Technology Specialist, at snewman@sharonschools.net

Members 2022-2023

Hyojae Park

Hi, my name is Hyojae Park. I am a senior this year, and my favorite subjects in school are math and physics because I enjoy problem-solving and working with equations. If I had more time, I would learn more about computer science because I love learning about computers. I am curious about the capabilities of computers and how we will use them in the future. I am excited to learn about expanding my knowledge in each of the subjects that I am taking and look forward to gaining a stronger interest in them. Some skills I hope to gain are to become a better communicator and be more organized and efficient. A cause that I am the most interested in is climate change and ocean pollution. I think learning more about what we can do to help these causes and other problems and work to spread that knowledge can be a great way to make the world a better place. Finally, I like to play tennis, play piano, and do programming outside of school.

Via Sheng

My name is Via, and I am a senior at Sharon High School. This is my second year working for help desk. My favorite subject in school is probably my AP Calculus AB class, but my favorite overall class would probably be AP Macro/Microeconomics. I have had really great teachers for both classes. My biggest dreams are to start my own business and create my own music. In 2020, my friends and I founded a non-profit called Tech For Good Inc. I spend time creating music outside of school by singing in two choirs, playing drums, and writing music, but my music is pretty bad right now. In addition, I have three incredible cats at home named Suki, Honey, and Ooli. I am looking forward to graduating and attending college, probably at Bryant University. 

Anna Voronova

Hello, I'm Anna and I'm a junior. My favorite subject in school is chemistry, and I wish to pursue a job in the science field in the future. I find science fascinating because it is the study of how everything in the universe works. Some of my hobbies include biking, hiking, reading, and painting. I also love traveling because visiting new places, people, and cultures is very fun and helps me visualize the world better. As a member of Help Desk, I hope to gain more knowledge of technology and improve my customer service skills. 

Ava Glaser

My name is Ava Glaser! I am in 11th grade this year. My favorite subject in school is English, I really enjoy reading and love finding new books that I am interested in. Outside of school I enjoy cheerleading, gymnastics, and I love baking! My favorite food is sushi and I also enjoy avocados. This year I am excited to learn more about technology and helping others in the Sharon community. I would love to learn more about computer science, programming, and graphic design. A topic I care most about is creating peace in the world and stopping hate from occurring. This year I want the school to come together in order to make a positive difference!

Victoria Henry

Hi! My name is Victoria Henry, and I am currently a sophomore at SHS. Some of my interests/hobbies include; painting, making bracelets, reading, studying, cooking, setting up fish tanks, and taking walks. In my freshman year, I took the intro to computer science class offered by SHS and learned about algorithms, Java Script, etc. Ever since, I have been highly interested in technology and hope to integrate it with the career I want to pursue in the future, which is biomedical engineering or neurosurgery. I am thrilled to be a part of Help Desk and can’t wait to help others with technology. 

Jenny Sand

Hi, my name is Jenny Sand, I am a sophomore, and this is my second year on Help Desk. My favorite subject is science, especially chemistry, and I enjoy learning about how the world works. I would love to learn about how chemistry and technology can be combined, as they are my two favorite fields of interest. This year, I am excited to solve more tech issues around the school and work on projects to promote technology in my community, including running the annual Sharon High School Help Desk Hackathon to bring together technology-interested middle and high school students. Outside of school, I play tennis, field hockey, and like to code.

Yashwant Ponnaganti

Hey, I'm Yash. I'm currently a Sophomore, and my favorite subject is science because it makes me think practical and realistic. Without a scientific approach, no justice today can be done to any branch of learning. If I had more time, I would like to go more in-depth in physics. Last year's physics class was exciting and informative. Physics helps me solve problems and helps me understand the little things I do each day. I am most curious and interested in programming. I learned a lot of coding languages, such as Python, HTML, Java, and React-Native. Working at the helpdesk,  I hope to gain tech experience. One of the causes that I am most interested in is education for children. Improving access to education is one of the most important causes anyone could possibly contribute to, and it can positively impact the lives of countless children. I would suggest digitalizing all the textbooks, which would be easier for everyone to access, and save a lot of time and effort distributing them on the first day of school. Finally, I like to play video games, do programming, and volunteer outside of school, for fun.

Namitha Devulapalli

Hi! I’m Namitha. I’m currently a sophomore, and my favorite subject is usually science, because I like learning about the world around me and how it works. If I had more time, I’d like to learn more about physics, since I really enjoyed it last year. I’m also curious about the hardware in computers. This year, I hope to continue the events I ran last year, which were the hackathon and the math enrichment program. I hope to make them run more smoothly than they were last year, and I want to learn how to improve them this year. One cause I care about greatly is climate change, since I believe that there hasn’t been enough action to slow it down, and we can already feel the effects, like the drought this summer. I believe we have to hold corporations and industries responsible for their carbon footprints. Outside of school, I enjoy sailing, coding, and hanging out with my friends.

Ankita Varigonda

Hi, I’m Ankita Varigonda. I’m currently a sophomore and it is my second year as a part of the SHS Helpdesk. If I have free time, I would like to learn more about the Earth and natural sciences. I would also like to learn about the math and calculations made from observations and their functionalities. This year, I am looking forward to working with others and hope to come up with ideas of my own and turn them into projects to work on. Outside of school, the three things I enjoy the most are sleeping, reading, and running. In addition, I am a part of the Cross-Country team and I play violin in the Honors Orchestra.

Alina Hou

Hi! My name is Alina Hou and I am a sophomore and this is my first year working at Help Desk. My favorite subject in school is chemistry because I really enjoy doing labs. I want to learn about the history of the world if I had the time and I’m looking forward to the summer because I really enjoy warm weather. Outside of school, I enjoy playing tennis and spending time with my friends and family. As part of the Help Desk at SHS, I hope to help teachers and students and learn more about common technology problems. 

Lennox Porter

My name is Lennox Porter and I am a sophomore. This is my second year of Help Desk. My favorite subject is Video Media Production because it combines technology and creativity. It also has a logic based approach to creating art. I want to learn more about how scientists made elements because it’s something that is interesting and must be a huge engineering challenge. Causes I care about are outdoors and the wildlife. I wish more people would recycle recyclable items instead of throwing them in the trash. When I go outside, in the winter I go skiing and in the summer I go swimming/kayaking.

Antara Padwal

Hello, my name is Antara Padwal. I am a freshman attending Sharon High school, and volunteer at Helpdesk! Currently I am especially excited about fixing devices, and contributing to the school's issues to help solve them. I haven't been on Helpdesk for a very long period of time, but I'm enthusiastic to learn about what we do here, and how I can help my school. I hope that over time I extend my knowledge and learn more important skills while being at Helpdesk. 

Ashika Reddy

Hi, My name is Ashika Reddy. I'm a freshman. I enjoy learning about all subjects. In particular, I am very fond of Math and Science because of the level of thinking involved in solving problems, and the theory behind concepts. Chemistry and Physics have been of great interest to me, especially after the introductions we were given to these subjects in 8th grade. I'm looking forward to furthering my knowledge in various new topics in the upcoming years. I really want to take environmental science, AP stats, and Astronomy in the future as I am eager to get to know more about them. This year I'm excited to help with tech-related issues as well as learn more about them myself. By the end of the year, I hope to have expanded my knowledge while having fun in Helpdesk. I want to be an advocate for Climate change. In 8th grade, I co-founded an environmental and world issues club that focused on making the SMS community more aware of these issues and doing our best to change. I think that our world is increasingly getting worse, and without change, we won't have this planet in the future. I think everyone needs to step up and do their part. Other issues I care about are, girls' education and the right to equal education for all genders, especially in countries where it is societally discouraged, and gun violence. Outside of school, I am part of the SHS sailing team. I am a competitive gymnast and have practiced gymnastics for 10+ years and I am also apart of the SHS varsity gymnastics team. I also enjoy hanging out with friends, volunteering at various organizations, helping out in any way I can, playing sports, listening to music, traveling, and spending time with family. Thank you!

Ava Lampron

Hi! My name is Ava Lampron and I am currently a freshman. My favorite subject in school is social studies because I love learning about important people who made a difference in the world like Gloria Steinem and Lucy Stone. If I had more time in my day, I would love to learn more about global warming prevention since it is an issue that affects everyone in the world. One of my favorite things to do in my free time is read. I love reading all different genres of books but my favorite genres by far are mystery and fantasy. Some of my favorite books are, The Seven and 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, Sadie, Lore and These Violent Delights. I also love to play sports; so in the fall I play soccer and in the spring I run track. I'm excited to be apart of helpdesk this year.

Laasya Allam

My name is Laasya Allam and I'm a freshman this year. My favorite subjects are World History and Physics but I think that's more for the classmates than the subject. Somethings about me are that I like many sports, but mainly basketball, field hockey, and cricket. I am the middle child of three kids and distanced from each of my siblings by seven years. I graduated from a Sunday school called Shishu Bharathi, where I learned about Indian culture and language. And in the music department, I play viola in the school orchestra. Some causes that really matter to me is environmental and gender rights. In eighth grade, me and some friends built in environmental club called EWI (environmental and world issues). This year, I'm not in too many clubs, but I am a freshman representative for the student council. This year I''m excited to learn more about tech through help desk, and just enjoy the general high school experience. And lastly, if I had more time to study a topic, I think it would me the movie making world. Just because I'm interested.

Shalu David

My name is Shalu! I'm a freshman and so far, I really like high school! My favorite subject right now is Spanish because I like working towards proficiency by learning new structures and playing games. I also really like physics because we get to conduct experiments and watch funny videos. Outside of school, I enjoy reading classics, looking at the sky on cloudy days, walking to BP for Arizonas, and listening to Bad Bunny on Spotify. 

Joshua Hughes

My name is Joshua Hughes, I am in grade 9 and this is my first year on help desk. my favorite subject in school is science as it is always interesting to learn new things about the world around us. If I had the time I would want to learn more about computers and video games, particularly older ones. I am curious about technology and video games.

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