Writing Curriculum

During the first trimester, students will build a writing life by reviewing some foundational writing skills. They will also write an opinion piece focusing on something they want to change.

Opinion Strategies

-Write about people, places, things, or issues that deserve attention.

-Write a bold and brave thesis statement.

-Address the audience.

-Write a lead that hooks the reader into caring about my opinion.

-Include several supporting reasons and details.

-Organize and categorize my evidence into paragraphs.

-Include a counter argument.

-Write an an ending that calls the reader to action.

During the second trimester, students will write an information piece focusing on something they can factually tell someone about. They will also work on writing baby literary essays.

Informational Strategies

-Plan a table of contents.

-Structure subtopics from information.

-Elaborate on ideas using facts, definitions, details, and observations.

-Create introductions that hooks the reader and gets them ready to learn information about the subject.

-Balance facts and ideas.

-Make connections across chapters.

-Find accurate information.

-Use text features to make the writing easier.

-Use paragraphs to group like information.

-Write an ending that draws conclusions, asks questions, or call to action.

Baby Literary Essay Strategies

-Hook the read and explain what's significant.

-Name the author and text.

-State claim and some supports.

-Include explanations of evidence.

-Use transitions.

-Restate the claim and support.

During the third trimester, students will write a narrative piece focusing on a small moment that has happened in their life. They will also write fairy tale pieces focusing on altering a current fairy tale and writing an original adaptation.

Narrative Strategies

-Write about ONE time I did something.

-Write a lead that hooks the reader.

-Write an action, talk, or feeling to end my story.

-Write in paragraphs to separate what happened in my story.

-Show what happened to and in my characters.

-Write in ways that bring my story to life for the reader.

-Elaborate using details, dialogue, descriptions, and actions.

-Balance dialogue with actions, thoughts, and details.


-Watermelon vs. Seed


Fairy Tale Strategies

-Study Fairy Tales written by published authors, students, and teachers.  

-Adapt two fairy tales, making purposeful changes.  

-Write an original fairy tale.

-Have magical characters solve a big problem.