Underground Artists to Know

Are you listening to the same old music every day? Here are some underground artists to add some flavor to your Spotify playlists

February 24, 2021

Where do you hear new music? If you're like most teens nowadays, the answer is probably social media. A lot of us rely on TikTok and other apps to find new music. But finding underground music- music from small artists without big followings- can be harder on these apps, because social media usually only exposes you to artists once they've already gained some traction. If you want to hear some new, non-mainstream music- and maybe find a new favorite artist- keep reading.

Chester Watson is a Black artist who creates music that can be found on Spotify, Soundcloud, and Apple Music. His music is generally rant-type rap set to dreamy or lo-fi beats. It is usually slow-paced, with most tracks being around three minutes long. He uses well-thought-out lyrics that flow like poems. He’s an indie artist whose music caters toward alternative listeners and people who like listening to rap that has a unique sound. Some of Watson’s popular albums include A Japanese Horror Film, Past Cloaks, Project 0, and Summer Mirage. One of my favorite songs from him is “Cloud Mask,” because it's a prime example of what his music represents. Overall, if you enjoy rap (or just slower songs with mellow beats and lyrics)- then Watson's music might be for you.

Official 1997 album cover art covered under fair use for a review

Another artist that may spark your interest is Little Simz. She is also a Black indie artist who creates music using the traditional beats from her roots and heritage in some songs- with an alt-pop or hip hop twist. She has her music on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, and Soundcloud. In some of her rap songs, the lyrics are made to uplift- or inspire people. Simz’s rap songs also address some social problems in the world. For example, her song “Venom,”- which is probably her most recognized song, addresses sexism and the struggles that women continue to face in the modern world. Simz actually has a lot of variety, with each song different from the others. In fact, some of her songs cross entire genres. Some of her popular albums are Grey Area, Sometimes I Might Be Introvert, A Curious Tale of Trials + Persons, and Drop 6. One of my favorite songs from her is “Two Worlds Apart,” because it's a very uplifting and motivating song that has a beautiful melody and elaborate lyrics. Little Simz is a talented artist who loves to experiment- but still makes music that's fun to listen to. If a variety of genres and sounds is up your alley, check her out.

File:Little Simz Performing.jpg is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

PinkPantheress is yet another Black indie artist that creates hyper-pop alternative songs. Her songs stream on Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Amazon music. The songs she creates are on the softer and- more upbeat pop side. In fact, her music is similar to popular artist Doja Cat’s in a sense that the lyrics in her songs contrast with the dreamy beats in the background. While she doesn’t have many albums or songs, the ones she has are wonderful to chill to. Her albums are to hell with it, just for me, Attracted To You, Passion, Pain, I Must Apologize, and Break It Off. My favorite song from her is “Just A Waste,”- which is one of her more popular songs. All in all, PinkPantheress is an ideal artist to listen to when you just want to relax- since you can just sink into her amazing music.

Official album cover art covered under fair use for a review; Photograph: Brent McKeever

When you listen to underground artists like these, not only are they able to enjoy music off the beaten path, but you are also supporting a lesser-known artist by showing them that there is a demand for their music. You also may even find a new favorite artist or song that could inspire you or even just bring you a little joy. Once you've found the right artist, or artists, that you enjoy, you can always have their music to turn to when you’re feeling down, wanting to be inspired, or just want to relax in the moment.

Julia DeLaquil (8)

This is Julia’s first year on staff and second year at Edgewood. They enjoy ink drawings and learning more about diverse groups. As a staff writer, they hope to contribute to the team and create interesting stories about the things they love.