Online Shopping Surge Benefits Businesses

2020 was a tough year for small businesses. But with the help of the internet, many of these businesses are making a comeback

Online shopping has surged since the start of the pandemic, with many people choosing to make their purchases online to reduce the risks of contracting COVID-19. Because of the concerns that come with shopping in-person in a pandemic, many people began to order everything they needed online, whether that was groceries or Christmas presents. But what are the consequences of this global online market- and how will businesses be affected by the shift from in-person to online shopping?

In a study conducted in the United Kingdom by leading global survey software company SurveyMonkey, respondents were asked about how their shopping behavior changed in response to the pandemic. 54% of respondents reported that they were spending more time online shopping as a result of COVID-19.

“I definitely am online shopping more now since the beginning of the pandemic. Now since I’m home all the time, I find myself always on online shops and adding things to my cart," said Megan Nguyen, 10.

In-person shopping obviously carries more dangers now than before the pandemic. Many shoppers concerned about their health and safety opt to stay home and shop from their computers.

“I think that it’s good to see online shopping surging because it shows that some people are taking integrity to stay at home and away from public crowds," said Nguyen.

Along with reducing the contraction of COVID-19, online shopping has also helped small businesses grow their platforms and sell more of their products. By creating an online platform where potential customers can easily find their products and services, small businesses have been able to more effectively increase their customer bases.

“I found many new online shopping sites for clothes that I wouldn’t have found because of the amount of time I spend online shopping and browsing for new products nowadays,” said Delainey Barnett, 9.

Online shopping is helping to bring popularity and attention to small businesses' products. The more people shop online, the more likely they are to see smaller businesses’ products.

The increased attention that businesses are now placing on online shopping also helps shoppers find the products they need. When businesses make an effort to reach out to customers through their websites and social media pages, more people are able to see the products they're offering.

With more time to browse the internet on the search for new products, people are exposed to new types of demographics and advertisements of products they might have not seen in stores, helping small businesses grow.

“I’m really thankful I found a lot of new sites to buy clothes from because it creates a wider range of things I can buy, and it helps smaller known businesses,” said Barnett.

Largely, the results of the global pandemic have been disastrous for small businesses. Businesses like small restaurants, cafes, and shops were forced to close their doors, and there was an almost unprecedented decrease in the number of small businesses in the United States. However, converting to online platforms is helping small businesses to stay afloat. With the help of the resilient online market, many of these businesses have relocated, opening up online ‘storefronts’ and appealing to a global customer base. In fact, according to Shopify, there was a 53% increase in online store openings from March to April of this year. So to support your local businesses, get off Amazon and find the unique treasures being offered by the business around you.

Danielle Toland (9)

This is Danielle’s first year on The Edge Staff and third year at Edgewood. She enjoys spending her time drawing and playing video games. As staff writer this year, she hopes to further develop better writing skills and learn new tactics.