Edgewood Sports and covid-19

Edgewood's fall season sports are taking precautions, but they're ready for the competition


STRIKE... the Edgewood bowling teams are filled with talented team members that try their hardest to bring the gold to our school with pride. How will these teams cope with the upcoming changes that COVID-19 will bring?

“I personally wear a face covering and ask the team to do so also,” Mrs. Valerie Lance, the bowling coach, said. "I take temperature checks before all practices and matches and keep the hand sanitizer readily available.”

Coach Lance also explained that while there are recommendations and protocols for safety, none of these are actually required. However, it is best practice to follow these precautions for the safety of the team and being able to keep the bowling program going this year. Spectators at bowling games will need to stay socially distanced from the teams, and it is suggested that they wear face coverings.

“The precautions taken by the team are wearing a mask, getting temperature checks, and staying socially distant when possible,” Tyler Lima, 11, said, “The precautions are not affecting this sport in any way. They may be a little annoying, but they are easy to get used to.”

This year, there is no limit to the amount of people allowed in the bowling program. The two teams are more than ready to get back on the lanes despite the latest circumstances, and bring their A game!


The fast-paced, thrilling game of volleyball is very well-known here at Edgewood. The three teams, Freshman, JV, and Varsity, have always given it their all on the court… but with the spread of coronavirus, the season has changed drastically. Due to a limit on the amount of people allowed in the gym, the freshman team has been cut from the season, meaning that only JV and Varsity are continuing this year. And these aren't the only changes happening on the court.

“We have to social distance when we’re not on the court, and we have to have our temperature taken at the beginning of every practice,” said Meghan Rosenfield, 10.

Masks are also required off of the court, but are not used when playing. Players are also required to fill out a survey in the beginning of practice, which is used to make sure that no one is exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19.

“COVID can spread really easily, and by taking these precautions we’re more aware of it,” Rosenfield said.

Mrs. Krystal Ingleton was the coach of the freshman team prior to these changes, and will be co-coaching the JV team this year along with full-time coach Mrs. Susan O’hern.

“We have to take attendance and keep it, take temperature daily, keep social distance,and record answers to questions regarding covid for every player and person in the gym,” Ingleton said.

The district has made sure that the amount of girls in the gym is limited, hence the freshman team not competing this year. Ingleton expressed how she thinks the season should have been postponed to the spring so that things would have time to calm down a bit.

Spectators at these games will, of course, be limited this year, and all ticket sales will have to be pre-planned. The first game of the season will be held at Space Coast Jr./Sr. High School on 9/15. The Volleyball season this year is sure to be more complicated, but the girls have the persistence to push through these challenges and face the upcoming competition with confidence.


Cross country is a sport that requires enthusiasm, speed, and above all, dedication. It takes a lot to be able to get up early in the morning and train for any sport… but especially this one. Just like the majority of all other Edgewood sports, there are certain precautions that the team has to take this year to do their best at remaining safe from COVID-19. The girls and boys on the team this year seem to be willing to do all of these things in order to participate in this exciting sport.

“We have some district rules that are in place, and a questionnaire we have to check everyone in with to make sure that they’re not exhibiting any symptoms. We also do mandatory temperature checks,” said Mr. Andrew Kaltenbach.

The students that participate in this sport are required to wear masks off of the field and when they come in for practice, but do not have to wear them when running. The coaches are also required to wear masks. They make sure to social distance as best they can, from when they’re stretching to when they’re in a meet… which is actually pretty easy for the team considering its size.

“We didn’t have to limit the team this year, the cross county team is usually pretty small,” Kaltenbach said.

Having a small team would definitely make social-distancing easier, but is coaching easy when you have to speak through a mask to people who are spread out in front of you?

“I just make sure that I try to speak up and speak clearly so that way, when I’m giving instructions, everyone can hear me,” said Kaltenbach. “At a meet, I’m sure it’s going to make it a little tougher to try to give directions when we are out on the course, but we can work around it.”


The Edgewood Varsity swim team is led by Mr. Mike Rochelle and involves some swift swimmers, who are able to glide through the water at a speedy pace. Like the other fall season sports at Edgewood, there are, of course, new rules and procedures to follow because of the COVID-19 outbreak.

“We have to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart, and we are only allowed to have 3 people on each side of the pool,” said Makaila Johnson, 10.

When swimming relays, the girls are used to tapping each other's arms to signal the other to start swimming. However, this year, the close contact will not be allowed. Nevertheless, the size of the team has not been limited.

“We were only allowed to have 36 girls I want to say, but everyone ended up being allowed on the team,” Johnson said.

These fast-paced swimmers are usually in close contact with each other, which only makes these precautions even more necessary.

The team will have to swim their way through these challenges, and make it through the season with their determination and skill.


The girls golf team, coached by Mrs. Deborah Woodside, is going to be continuing this year- but not without challenges caused by COVID-19. Golf is a slower-paced sport, but still requires a lot of concentration and skill. There will be the same amount of teams for golf at Edgewood as always, but they will not all play during the regular season. So what has to happen this year for people to be able to play?

“The state is basically telling me to check their temperature each day before practice. I have to make sure they are not warming up first, but sitting in the shade,” Woodside said. “I’m just making sure they are 6 feet apart while hitting on the driving range and practice putting green.”

All of the girls on the team will be socially distanced, but golf is a distanced sport anyway, meaning that the girls do not have to wear masks while playing. Tryouts for golf this year were not limited, so more girls could come and try for the team. However, while the number of players may not be limited, spectators are another matter.

“Parents are our only spectators pretty much,” said Woodside. “They have to stay 50' away from their daughters already, and cannot have any contact with them at all during the match.”

This year will be unique for the golf team, considering what has been going on lately with coronavirus, but it seems like Woodside will be leading the girls to gold nonetheless!

Landon Baumhover (8)

This is Landon’s second year at Edgewood and first year writing for the magazine. She enjoys spending her time reading, playing volleyball, or listening to music. As a staff writer this year, she is hoping to see and better understand the way the magazine is made.