Welcome to Outwood Academy Valley


Mr Cavill

A personal welcome from our Principal

Dear Parents/Carers and Year 6 Students

A massive and warm welcome to Outwood Academy Valley. Thank you for choosing our Academy as the place for your child’s secondary education. You are also welcomed to the wider Outwood Family. As a high-performing multi-academy trust, we embrace the opportunity to ensure that all children, irrespective of their starting point, receive an excellent education. To achieve this aim staff within OGAT have three values in common.

They always:

1. put students first;

2. strive to be experts in their respective fields; and

3. are obsessive about attaining the highest standards.

We are very much looking forward to working with parents and carers to support your children in their transition to our Academy in September and cannot wait to meet and work with our new year group of young people.

Unfortunately, we currently live in a very different world. I am sure that children currently in Year 6 are missing their school and their friends. As well as staying safe and well, we hope that they are continuing to learn at home as best they can. This will really help them to prepare for their secondary education.

I want you to rest assured that although at present we can't meet with parents and carers or see our new students, we haven't stopped thinking about you and we haven't stopped planning for the future. We want you to be as informed as possible about the transition to secondary school, even though this year will be quite different from the norm. We do not yet know whether there will be our usual Information Evening for Y6 parents. If we can’t meet you in person, then we will definitely meet you virtually to answer questions, share information and help in any way we can. We also want students to be excited and looking forward to the next big step in their educational journey so we have lots of information coming your way. If you do not already follow us on Twitter @Outwood_Valley and via our website www.valley.outwood.com, then I would definitely recommend that you do. We share information on a daily basis and use these forums to celebrate the amazing work of our students.

If you have questions or need assistance with anything at this time then the best form of contact is email to enquiries@valley.outwood.com

We cannot wait to meet you all, to learn new things and make new friends and new memories.

Mr Cavill