
Reward cards are given for outstanding achievement, improvement and consistent effort by all subject teachers and recorded on our Consequences module of OCloud. In addition, reward cards are given by Learning Managers, the Bridge Manager and SLT.

Reward Cards

Cause for Applause

As senior staff learning walk, we often hear applause when students give amazing answers or show a deep insight about their current work. The member of staff on the learning walk rewards the student further with a “Cause for Applause” card. This card is then traded in at Student Services for a “Cause for Applause” reward.

After each Praising Stars cycle E1 students (outstanding effort in all subjects) are rewarded in a variety of ways from praise assemblies, letters to parents, certificates or an invite to ‘Tea and Games with SLT’. This popular event allows the Senior Leadership Team and Learning Managers to praise students for their efforts in a relaxing but fun environment.

Tea and games with SLT

The Wall of Excellence

We love to make sure you are rewarded for focused learning, positive contributions, good manners and being respectful of staff and peers. Students who work hard and achieve great things earn a place on our Wall of Excellence.

Certificates are given for outstanding achievement, improvement and consistent effort by all subject teachers every half term or term (depending on the subject). Often these certificates are part of a celebration assembly and they are highly prized by both students and parents/carers.
