Technology Assistance

The District is committed to providing technology on an as-needed basis to support curriculum.  At this time, we are offering chromebooks to students who receive speech services and students in grades 9 through 11.  Senior students will be offered a chromebook if needed to finish their graduation requirements.  

Please contact the building principal, via email or call the school number to leave a voicemail, to request a Chromebook.  By requesting a Southgate Community Schools Chromebook, you are agreeing to be responsible for the care and return of the chromebook to the District.  The chromebooks have filtering software installed, however, no filter can replace parental supervision.  The filter will be the same as what is filtered in school.  The replacement price of the Chromebook and power cord is $340.00.  It is $60.00 to replace just a power cord.  You will receive more information regarding support at the time of pickup.  The chromebook will only work when it is connected to the Internet.  The District is not responsible for providing internet access outside of the district.  

There are low-cost home Internet options available if you currently do not have Internet.  Please see options below.