Core Curriculum:

Module 7 Dates (Module 8 for 5th Grade): 

March 3rd - 28th

How to Access HMH Online Resources 

Click here for brief videos on how to find specific resources in the HMH Online Resources.  

***NEW***  Click here for steps on How-To Save Lesson Slides as Google Slides 

(with presentation speaker notes)

K-5 ELA Instruction Year at a Glance 

Click here for the 2024-2025 K-5 ELA Instruction Year At-A-Glance.  The year at-a-glance contains the scope and sequence and pacing for the Modules in Into Reading. 

Current Announcements

Session description: Learn how to supplement small group instruction with engaging, differentiated Seesaw Lessons aligned to the HMH Into Reading curriculum. Teachers will explore how to access and implement high-quality, standards-aligned, and interactive lessons that provide multiple entry points for learners, allowing all students to show their thinking and learning in meaningful ways.

Exploring HMH Writing Workshop Together PLC

How can we learn together to best implement the curriculum to meet the needs of our students in writing across genres?

K-5 educators are invited to join to deepen their understanding of the HMH Writing Workshop and work together on how to best adapt, scaffold, and pace the lessons to meet the needs of your students in writing across genres.


When:  4 sessions - Thursdays, November 7th, January 23rd, March 13th, and May 8th  4:30 - 6:00 pm 

Where: Multipurpose Room at C&I Curriculum (750 25th Ave.)

Click here for a flier for more information and registration form.  Registration Deadline is October 25th.

Contact Elementary English Language Arts Team