Architecture and Design Students:

Featured Competition Winners

Architecture Foundation of San Francisco - 2020 Design Ideas Collective

A+D Students and Awards

Clarissa Jocelyn, 11th grade, Award for Exceptional Submission and Best in Class, $200

Kiara Taylor, 9th grade, Award for Exceptional Submission, $100

Isaac Nystrom Rice, 10th grade, Award for Exceptional Submission, $100

Eva Nusbaum-Faust, 10th grade, Award for Exceptional Submission, $100

Emilia Burkhart, 9th grade, Distinction Award for Environmental Context

The Architectural Foundation of San Francisco held a Design Ideas Collective Competition in November of 2020. This exciting opportunity challenged high school students to reflect critically about the world around us, and enabled participants to put their creativity, spatial and analytical thinking and design sensitivity to the test. Students were asked to conceptualize a design and communicate their solutions through a variety of drawings, models, and writing. Open to all high school students across the world, young thinkers were provided the chance to engage in what is a very unique learning project. Entries into the Collective were reviewed as a judged competition.

The main question put forth by the competition was this: How can we use architecture and design to analyze our current predicament and create solutions to better our collective standing moving forward?

Events of today will resonate into tomorrow and beyond. How we adapt to circumstances we're presented with can dictate how we experience life moving forward. For participation in this Design Ideas Collective, students were presented with four subject matters of our daily lives (art and culture, activism, learning environments, and slow streets) from which to consider how we may implement changes in our engagement and evolve for the better.

Five Architecture + Design students from Ruth Asawa SOTA entered this competition under the guidance and instruction of A+D Director, Tara Siegel. Three of them responded to the challenge to design an outdoors Art and Culture Event Space at a site in Fort Mason, and two students responded to the challenge to design outdoor Learning Environments in response to the pandemic. Four Asawa SOTA A+D students received the highest awards in the competition, and one received a design distinction award. These five students participated in this competition as an optional project in addition to their regular A+D course work.


Texture Cubes

Annie Aguilar

Emilia Burkhart

Isabel Lombardi-Coronel

Jooyoung Moon

Kiara Taylor

Rafael Applin

Pandemic Portraits







Project Collages

Advocacy Posters

Blind Contour Portraits

Experience Maps #1

Experience Maps #2

Found Objects

Light Cubes

Pepper Drawings

Sit on a Letter

All visual artwork and the content on the website is owned by our students and MAY NOT be copied and used for reproduction in ANY manner without the expressed written authorization. Check back soon for artist credit.