Reviews for "To Kill a Kingdom" by Alexandra Christo

Stella Bronzini (December 10, 2018)

Title and Author of the Book: To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

Plot Overview: TKAK is a rewrite of The Little Mermaid but darker and a hint of romance. Princess Lira is a siren who hunts human hearts and is dreaded by every sailor around. When she collects too many hearts before her birthday her mother, the Sea Queen punishes her by turning her human and removing her siren song until she collects the siren hunter Prince Elian’s heart.

Critique: The most compelling aspect of this book is the love-hate relationship between Elian and Lira. The romance between them is very compelling to read and by the end of the book I wanted to read more. I also loved how the author set up the cities and towns because she included a map which I could refer to.

I was not disappointed in this book for whatever reason because it was beautifully written and the plot ties in very nicely with the classic Disney movie.

Cover Critique: I loved the cover because it reflected the book very well. The Sea Queen is an octopus (just like Ursula) and there are tentacles surrounding the cover.

Star Rating: I would rate this book a 5/5 because it was the best books I have read in a while. I loved it so much I purchased a copy of my own.

Anuja Katukam (April 29, 2021)

Plot Overview: Lira is a ruthless Siren Princess, known for killing royalty from kingdoms on land. However, when she fails to complete a mission in the sea, she is forced to take on a human body and complete it on land. If she doesn't succeed, she'll remain human forever.

Prince Elian, a prince on land, is known for his ability to hunt sirens. He's now searching for Princess Lira—unaware of the fact that she's a person aboard his very ship.

(This book is a YA fantasy/romance, by the way.)

Critique: I really liked this book. It's such a cute, quick read! I normally don't like dual POV books but I loved it here! I also loved that both the female and male MCs were super strong and self-reliant. This book has a good balance between plot and romance. If you're into that, give it a try! Also, if you liked Daughter of the Pirate King, you'll probably like this too.

Star Rating: 4.5/5

Ms. Yang: If you're into more sirens, you might like The Siren by Kiera Cass, the author of the super popular The Selection series. Or, A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow, a modern fantasy that also explores racism and sexism.