Reviews for "This Savage Song" by Victoria Schwab

Kathryn Kennedy (March 11, 2018)

Plot Overview: This book is about two teenagers, who live on opposite sides of a torn city, called V-City, in the dystopian district Verity. In V-City, monsters are born out of people's crimes and depending on the depravity of the crime, the monster is either a Corsai, Malchai, or a Sunai. Kate Harker is the daughter of the north side's crime boss and August Flynn is one of three Sunai's in existence who work for the south's leader, Henry Flynn. Trying to prove his worth to his father and older Sunai brother, August agrees to go undercover at a north side school and spy on Kate. But as more details are called into question about the morality and mission of both side's leaders, Kate and August must team up and overcome their differences of being a human and a monster.

Critique: The most compelling aspect of the book is definitely the concept of monsters created out of human crimes. It creates a world in which people's crimes don't just end with the violence, but continue to live and breath and hurt in the form of harmful monsters. Corsai are born from non-lethal acts of violence and feed on flesh and bone. Malchai are born from murders and feed on blood, and the strongest, the Sunai, are created from mass-devastation events and steal the souls of criminals through their music. The book promotes each side between being classified as a human or a monster, the morality of each, and the impact of violence on a community. Imagine if this were real?!

I was not disappointed with this book!

Cover: I love the cover of this book. But it makes the book seem kinda nice and cutesy, and as a result when I started reading, I was surprised over how dark this book really was.

Star Rating: 5/5