Reviews for "The Young Elites" by Marie Lu

Amelia Salamacha (December 20, 2020)

Plot Overview: Years ago, an unnatural illness swept through Kenettra, killing every adult it infected and leaving surviving children with strange markings—and, for some, stranger abilities. Adelina is one of the surviving malfettos. She runs away from her domineering father, only to end up on the run from the Inquisition Axis, which hunts the powerful Young Elites given supernatural abilities by the blood fever, as well. Adelina joins the Dagger Society, a collection of Young Elites, for protection and training in her own abilities. But her loyalty to her imprisoned sister leads to tension and secrecy between her and the Dagger Society's members.

Critique: This book was interesting in that its protagonist was not intended to be a conventional heroine. While Adelina does go through the (very typical YA) hero's training phase while learning to use her powers, she leans more towards personal revenge than a search for justice at the end. The author says that Adelina is intended to be a villain, and while I don't entirely agree with this characterization based on the ending of the first book, there are two more books in the trilogy for Adelina's character to develop. Overall, there was definitely some good character development in the first book, as well as some inversion of YA tropes, which I am all for.

Star Rating: 4.5/5