Reviews for "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" by Stephanie Meyer

Trinity Nguyen (December 19, 2020)

Plot Overview: Bree Tanner, a self-described "vampire nerd" first introduced in Eclipse, lives in terror in a coven of newborn vampires. She is a member of Victoria's vampire army, and as that army closes in on Bella Swan and the Cullens, she finds her first friend and discovers a truth about daylight.

While fans may know how it ends, they don't yet have the full story: Bree's tale of danger, mystery, and romance is one for the books.

Critique: This book is an Eclipse (3rd book of the Twilight series) novella. People who have read the third book know what happens in the end, and even without it, the title is pretty obvious. I really enjoyed this book though. I think I lean more towards simpler books that are easier to read. Books with lots of descriptive words tend to overwhelm me. Since Bree is younger than Bella, her perspective is more relatable to me, as we are around the same age. Bree is a very likable character, and I enjoyed reading about her perspective as an actual part of the newborn army in contrast to Bella’s perspective in Eclipse. Something I found interesting about the bloodthirsty newborn vampire perspective was that it allowed readers to see what it truly is like being an untrained vampire. I pitied Bree because she was just at the wrong place in the wrong time and accidentally got sucked up in the vampire mess. She was just a pawn in a much bigger game that she isn’t aware of. I also liked reading about the other characters like Diego and Riley. I found it very interesting to see Riley’s character slowly become more evil as he is manipulated by Victoria [soft!riley owns my heart though :’)]. Overall, the book was pretty dark, but Diego and Bree are so cute (pls i love them). The ending was so sad, and I honestly didn’t expect to be so hurt by it, but Bree’s character was just so pure that it was hard not to feel bad. I would recommend the book to Twilight fans or just people looking for something including mystery and romance.

Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Critique: I thought the cover was very cool! I liked the hourglass representing the idea of Bree’s time running out.