Reviews for "The Selection Series" by Kiera Cass

Sienna Sirovita (December 18, 2020)

Plot Overview: America Singer and 34 other girls are taking part in The Selection as an opportunity to escape a rigid caste system and to live in a palace to steal the heart of Prince Maxon. But America isn’t so excited to be residing in the palace because of her secret lover. She is competing for a crown she doesn’t want until she actually meets Prince Maxon. She is now in a love triangle with the prince and her secret lover. We follow her journey through some heartbreak and some scandals but in the end it is up to her to decide what she wants.

Critique: All in all I thought it was an okay series. It had some good and some bad moments. The thing is it’s a little too long for me. I honestly almost stopped reading the series midway through because I thought it was never going to end. I also didn’t like the main character, America, half the time because of her decision making and thought process, it made me frustrated all the time. There are also a lot of twists and turns that left me so overwhelmed. Towards the end of the series it got a little less interesting but I stayed true and read the whole series. It honestly isn’t that bad of a book but just be prepared for a little intensity and drama.

Star Rating: 2.75/5