Reviews for "The Revolution of Birdie Randolph" by Brandy Colbert

Stella Bronzini (February 26, 2019)

Title and Author of the Book: The Revolution of Birdie Randolph by Brandy Colbert

Plot Overview (from Goodreads): Dove "Birdie" Randolph works hard to be the perfect daughter and follow the path her parents have laid out for her: She quit playing her beloved soccer, she keeps her nose buried in textbooks, and she's on track to finish high school at the top of her class. But then Birdie falls hard for Booker, a sweet boy with a troubled past...whom she knows her parents will never approve of. When her estranged aunt Carlene returns to Chicago and moves into the family's apartment above their hair salon, Birdie notices the tension building at home. Carlene is sweet, friendly, and open-minded--she's also spent decades in and out of treatment facilities for addiction. As Birdie becomes closer to both Booker and Carlene, she yearns to spread her wings. But when long-buried secrets rise to the surface, everything she's known to be true is turned upside down.

Critique: My favorite character was Birdie because of the similarities between her and I. She studies hard to try to be like her sister. I study hard to continue my education. Even though others around her are struggling, she stays true to herself. If I could change anything it would be to have a more original plot. I had a good idea of the family secret within a couple chapters.

Cover Critique: The cover nicely reflected how Birdie is to be imagined. In the first chapter, it describes Birdie with a jean jacket and floral shirt, which is shown in the cover. One of the reasons why I picked up this book was because of the beautiful cover.

Recommendation: This book goes into depth about self-identity, friendship, first love, and family. i love how the plot corresponds with the location. The book is placed in Chicago and shows the racism and eccentricirty that goes on inside the city.

Jessica Lin (December 30, 2018)

Title and Author of the Book: The Revolution of Birdie Randolph by Brandy Colbert

Plot Overview (from Goodreads): Dove "Birdie" Randolph works hard to be the perfect daughter and follow the path her parents have laid out for her: She quit playing her beloved soccer, she keeps her nose buried in textbooks, and she's on track to finish high school at the top of her class. But then Birdie falls hard for Booker, a sweet boy with a troubled past...whom she knows her parents will never approve of. When her estranged aunt Carlene returns to Chicago and moves into the family's apartment above their hair salon, Birdie notices the tension building at home. Carlene is sweet, friendly, and open-minded--she's also spent decades in and out of treatment facilities for addiction. As Birdie becomes closer to both Booker and Carlene, she yearns to spread her wings. But when long-buried secrets rise to the surface, everything she's known to be true is turned upside down.

Critique: My favorite character of this book was Carlene. Her story is something that real people experience so I think it is important to let that be known. I don’t think I would change anything about the book. I liked the way the author wrote the story. Towards the end, I suddenly had that realization moment where I finally figured out what was happening, and that part was written nicely.

Cover Critique: I was attracted to the book because of the bright colors on the cover. However, I think the cover did match the story, but it could have shown a little more about the book instead of just a picture of the main character. I do like the colors on the cover though and I think it brings a sense of warmth to the book.

Recommendation: I would recommend this book to a friend and I would probably read another book by this author.

Star Rating: I would rate this book a 4 out of 5 because I enjoyed reading it and I thought the book was really interesting.