Reviews for "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" by V.E. Schwab

Kara Merkert (April 29, 2021)

Plot Overview: Addie made a deal with a god to live forever, however, he causes everyone she meets to forget her as soon as their interaction ends. She can leave no mark on the world, no writing or stain or damage. Three hundred years later, Addie meets Henry, who remembers her. The book follows Addie and Henry’s romance, while also giving flash backs to various points in Addie’s long life.

Critique: Over all I liked this book. It was a bit slow paced for me and there is not a lot of action. If you have the patience to work your way through the beginning, the end is totally worth it. It was one of the more interesting book endings I have read. This is a great book for someone who likes romance. Addie and Henry’s story is really beautiful!

Star Rating: 3.5/5