Reviews for "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown

Siona Francis (January 22, 2018)

Title and Author: The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Plot Overview: During his stay in Paris, Robert Langdon, a Harvard professor and symbologist, receives news that Jacques Sauniere, the esteemed curator of the Louvre, has been killed inside the museum and that his corpse has been arranged in a strange symbol. Langdon is called to decipher the riddle, and to his amazement, he stumbles upon a trail of clues all referencing Leonardo da Vinci. Along with a cryptologist named Sophie Neveu, Langdon discovers the curator's connection to the Priory of Sion, a secret society which involved Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, Botticelli, and da Vinci himself. Embarking on a centuries-old path through Europe, Langdon has to decipher the code before the evil forces pursuing him do.

Critique: "The da Vinci Code" was extremely compelling due to Brown's writing style. It seemed as if at every moment there was a plot twist! I'm also a big fan of mysteries, so this book had me hooked. This book was a great read! In my opinion, there weren't any disappointing aspects at all. :)

Cover Critique: The cover image is quite fitting, since a major part of the book is the fact that if you look twice at a work by Da Vinci, you can catch the hidden messages he included.

Star Rating: 4.8/5