Reviews for "Sisters" by Raina Telgemeir

Grace Zhou (May 6, 2018)

Plot Overview: Raina and her little sister, Amara are constantly fighting each other and wishing they had different siblings; so what happens when they have to work together? Set in San Francisco Raina narrates one of her child hood road trips and flashbacks of her life through a graphic novel which show how she and her sister grew up together. After going trough some trails and tribulations such as catching snakes, new pets, and a baby brother the two finally discover what it means to be family.

Critique: For me the most compelling part of the book was Raina and Amara's relationship. I have a younger sister and it reminded me of our relationship on how we argue almost all the time but still have some fun moments together. The overall progress of the story was really good because it showed how her whole family grew over time and it was funny and relatable. The flashbacks were also perfectly placed throughout the book and it made me feel as if Telgemeir was sitting across from me reminiscing her childhood. I did not have any disappointments.

Cover: I think the cover accurately displays what the book is about and the emoticons are cute and funny as well.

Star Rating: 5/5