Reviews for "Renegades" by Marissa Meyer

Natalia Shaheen (December 12, 2019)

Title and Author: The Renegades series by Marissa Meyer

Plot Overview: The Renegades is a science fiction series by Marissa Meyer written in the perspectives of two teenagers, Nova and Adrian. They live in a world where there are two types of people: those who have super powers, and those who don’t, and the humans that do have powers are either labeled as “heroes” or “villains” (with no real neutral or in between accepted). With Adrian a born hero, and Nova a villain, the Renegades follows them as they fight for opposite causes while growing closer together.

Critique: It seems like a predictable plot, but it has mind blowing reveals and suspenseful moments that leave readers on the edge of their seat.

Recommendation: This book series is for anyone who enjoys action, romance, wholesome friendship, lots of suspense, and dramatic irony (if you read the series, I can almost guarantee that it contains more dramatic irony than anything you’ve ever read before).

Rating: Overall, I would rate it 4.75 stars out of 5 -one of the best book series’s I have ever read- and I highly recommend it.