Reviews for "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline

Grace Zhou (September 11, 2018)

Title and Author of the Book: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Plot Overview: Ready Player One written by Ernest Cline is a science fiction and fantasy novel narrated by a teen boy named Wade Watts. It takes place in 2054 where the environment is falling apart and so everyone in the world lives in a virtual reality to escape their real problems. The owner of the VR passes but leaves a video game egg in the game and whoever finds the egg inherits his fortune and control of the VR thus beginning a race between Wade and millions of other characters.

Critique: The most compelling part of the book was the suspense of Wade being chased by other gamers to reach the egg after he becomes the first person to find the clues toward it. I was not disappointed with this book at all because I enjoyed the underdog aspect and diversity of the characters.

Cover Critique: The cover relates to the book because it is presumably Wade climbing down from the stacks. The stacks are mobile homes stalked on each other because the world no longer has room for real homes and the environment is falling to pieces. I also thought it was interesting as it was of the real world and most of the story takes place in side the situation.

Star Rating: I would give this book a 5/5.

I personally thought the book was well written but the movie is not nearly as good as the book.

Kristen Stewart (December 18, 2020)

Plot Overview: Ready Player One is a 2011 science fiction novel. The story, set in a dystopia in 2045, follows protagonist Wade Watts on his search for an Easter egg in a worldwide virtual reality game, the discovery of which would lead him to inherit the game creator's fortune.

Critique: I loved Ready Player One. The book’s plot is amazing and contains more twists and turns that one would expect from a treasure hunt book and all of the characters are fun and interesting, but by far my favorite part was the niche 80s references. While the book can be enjoyed solely because of its engaging plot, googling Rush 2112 and other random references Cline makes was incredibly enjoyable and as fun as reading the book itself. While the movie was excellent, especially by book to movie standards, I personally believe it does not do the book justice and even if you’ve seen the movie, I would recommend reading the book as well.

Star Rating: 4.5/5