Reviews for "I Will Always Write Back" by Caitlin Alifrienka and Martin Ganda

Amélia Avila (November 29, 2020)

Plot Overview: American teenager Caitlin and Zimbabwean teenager Martin start writing letters to each other for a pen pal assignment at school; unlike their other classmates, they not only stay in touch, but also form a strong bond and friendship. Told in both perspectives, Caitlin and Martin tell stories and talk about problems they faced, while always writing to each other. In fact, they become so close that they consider each other brother and sister, and their friendship changes both their lives forever.

Review: Sorry this is so long 😂. I loved this book!! It was such an uplifting book and I felt myself rooting for Martin and Caitlin throughout the story! It also does a good job tackling important issues. We see a contrast in Caitlin and Martin's lives in the beginning: Caitilin worried about boys and friend drama, while Martin struggled to feed his family and pay school tuition (but he hid it in his letters). When Martin finally gathers the courage to ask Caitlin for assistance, Caitlin does all she can to assist Martin and his family, and realizes that the "simple things" she takes for granted like food, school without payment, clothes, computers, pictures, and even stamps are the exact things that Martin's family struggles to afford. Also, since this was the time of the "Nigerian prince" internet scam, many of Caitlin's friends and relatives thought that Martin was trying to scam Caitlin and made rude remarks about him, which is completely racist, but nevertheless, Caitilin helped him and Martin helped her in many ways. I love their sister-brother relationship and it's really cute at the end when they meet each other for the first time (even though they'd been sending letters for many years). Anyways, I shouldn't spoil too much.. you should read this book, you won't regret it :).

Cover Critique: I think it looks cool because it includes North America and Africa (their respective continents), and the border is drawn like a letter. I also attached a picture of the cover and some of the pictures in the book.

Star Rating: 5/5