Reviews for "Go Set a Watchman" by Harper Lee

Chloe Moynier (December 18, 2020)

Plot Overview: Sequel to Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mocking Bird, Jean Louise Finch (Scout) is now a 26 year old young woman living in New York. While visiting her hometown Maycomb County she discovers a disturbing truth about her family that throws everything she had come to know about them and her hometown into disarray. As Jean Louise struggles with coming to terms with this new truth, Maycomb County faces the civil rights turmoil and political tension that would transform the South. Follow Jean Louise’s journey on her way to finding her own independence and rebuilding her personal values.

Critique: This is an great book for those who enjoy coming of age stories or historical fiction. I thought the plot was very interesting and enjoyed the fact that Lee included flashbacks for Jean Louise’s childhood that included characters from To Kill a Mockingbird. Personally, I didn’t like the revelation that the story is set around, but still found the plot and story intriguing.

Star Rating: 4/5