Reviews for "Free to Fall" by Lauren Miller

Anna Sprouse (December 11, 2017)

Title and Author: Free to Fall by Lauren Miller

Plot Overview: Rory is a 16 year old girl living in a world dominated by Gnosis and it’s artificial assistant Lux. Lux is a program built into everyone’s phones that helps them navigate every single aspect and decision of their daily lives. She is accepted into an elite boarding school where she discovers everything is not what she thought it was. And of course, along the way she meets an outside boy, who refuses to let technology rule his life.

Critique: I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I started reading this book. It seemed like it could end up being a very generic dystopian sci-fi book, but I was pleasantly surprised. I liked both the main characters and the big plot reveal was surprising and not too predictable. The most compelling aspect was that the world imagined in this book seemed very plausible considering the direction we are going with how much we allow technology to control our lives.

Cover Critique: The cover of a girl’s face didn’t really reflect any details of the book. I felt like there probably could have been a cooler way to do the cover art so that it went better with the plot.

Star Rating: 4/5