Reviews for "Four Dead Queens" by Astrid Scholte

Stella Bronzini (December 17, 2020)

Plot Overview: The kingdom of Quadara is made up of four quadrants: the tech-savvy Eonia, the agricultural land of Archia, the entertainment center called Ludia, and the coastal quadrant of Toria. Keralie Corrington is one of Quadara’s most talented thieves employed by Mackiel, her childhood friend. She comes across a seemingly important package and decides to steal it from a messenger named Varin. They both become involved with a mysterious conspiracy that causes the four queens of Quadara dead. Keralie and Varin decide to team up in an attempt to save the kingdom of Quadara.

Critique: This book is adventurous, addictive, and mysterious. The murder mystery aspect had me interested until the very end when it revealed the killer. I have heard mixed reviews about this book, but personally I really enjoyed it. Although I do love the ending, I thought it was a bit rushed and the ending was too easily resolved. The romance aspect of the book was not apparent in the first half of the book, which did not bother me because it made up for this by building suspense throughout the novel. There are plenty of jaw-dropping twists and turns in this book and will leave you lingering for more until the very last page. I think Scholte did a fantastic job of writing this stand alone novel and describing each quadrant and character. The chapter point of views switch between the four queens and Keralie. I normally am not a huge fan of books that do this, but with Four Dead Queens I did not mind. As weird as it sounds, I also think she did a great job of writing the murder scenes and describing the causes of death.

Star Rating: 4/5

Additional Comments: I would read this again because of the amazing plot line and the characters.